THE BALL – The farewell message from Miguel Albuquerque (Sporting)


His departure from Sporting was officially announced, where until this Wednesday he served as General Director of Modalities, Miguel Albuquerque published an extensive farewell message.

Showing himself proud of his 20 years of work, which allowed him to become one of the most qualified directors in the history of the Alvalade club, Miguel Albuquerque did not stop regretting that an episode in his personal life led him to his departure. But he left the guarantee: «To this day I am one more member, within a family of more than 3.5 million” Lions “. I will always be available to help Sporting Clube de Portugal, because I will never be able to give back to the Club everything that the Club has given me.

Here is the full message:

«Thank you Sporting Clube de Portugal, it was an honor to serve you!

Today my connection with Sporting Clube de Portugal comes to an end.

It has been 20 years spent with pride, honor and privilege to serve the Club of my heart, which allowed me to become one of the most titled leaders in its history, something that I can never give back.

It was a long road, followed by a winding road, among many difficulties, with hundreds of coaches, athletes, collaborators, leaders and presidents – growing and learning from everyone.

I went through all stages of growth in leadership, always focused on work, demand, the culture of victory and the uncompromising defense of Sporting Clube de Portugal.

I had the opportunity to occupy various positions in these two decades, which allowed me to serve the Club that I love more and more: first in Futsal, where I joined in August 2000 as a Technical Collaborator and from where I left in 2018 as Director of the Department, and in these past two years as General Director of Modalities.

In all the steps I took, with patience and determination, I was always guided by work and a constant feeling of responsibility. It was with this purpose that I set myself a goal that “obsessed me” over the years: to make Sporting Clube de Portugal the greatest national power in Futsal and, in a second step, European Champion.

I promised Sportinguistas that day would come! I was able to put together a team that helped me fulfill that promise. That same team was predominant in winning the European Roller Hockey, Athletics, Judo and Goalball titles following the design of José Alvalade, who wanted Sporting to be “a great Club, as big as the biggest in Europe.”

During these 20 years I have fought many battles; The truth is that I always did it in defense of our Club, demanding the unwavering and unquestionable respect of Sporting Clube de Portugal, without ever taking refuge or hiding, because that is what Sporting Clube de Portugal deserves: uncompromising and permanent defense. – From the Club!

I have always fought for a better and stronger Sporting Clube de Portugal, with a voice, demanding and rigorous in its modalities.

I did it until the last day and no one will ever be able to erase it.

I wanted luck that an episode in my personal life, which I will not minimize and will never forget, over three years old and of which I am not proud, has been returned to the public square. An episode that ‘was reborn’, a year and a half after closing completely, “as if it were yesterday”, exposing my private life, serving as a motto for the end of a long and victorious relationship.

Friendships remain in the memory, some (few) for life; the defeats, which made me grow and have more and more strength even when nobody believed; the achievements, which I learned quickly, are fleeting and we must savor, because we never know when we will have the next one.

To this day, I am just one more member, within a family with more than 3.5 million “Lions”.

I will always be available to help Sporting Clube de Portugal, because I will never be able to give back to the Club everything that the Club has given me.

Today I am leaving Sporting Clube de Portugal, but Sporting Clube de Portugal will never leave me.

Thank you Sporting Clube de Portugal, it was an honor to serve you for 20 years!

Miguel Albuquerque
