Superior Council of the Judiciary monitors cases of judges who question the reliability of COVID-19 evidence | Justice


The Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSM) opened an “internal procedure” to follow the case of the sentence of two judges of the Court of Appeals of Lisbon who questioned the reliability of the evidence for covid-19 and considered the confinement imposed by the regional health of the Azores to four German tourists, after one of them was diagnosed with covid-19 in August.

The information was confirmed to the PUBLIC by the president of the CSM, Joaquim Piçarra, who explained that an “internal procedure” is “the preparation and collection of elements to present in plenary and formulate the most appropriate decision”, that is, “it is not relevant ”. , he said. It is not a disciplinary investigation, he added. OR CSM they will come together and it is not known if any deliberation will arise on this case.

OR judgment of the judges confirmed the release order issued by the Court of First Instance, but, according to the experts heard by the PUBLIC, the appellants made an “erroneous” and “irresponsible” reading of two scientific articles, thus questioning the reliability of the PCR tests ( “Polymerase chain reaction”), which have been used to identify the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés argued that a PCR test is not sufficient to have a valid diagnosis of covid-19 and that, “in view of the current scientific evidence, this test demonstrates, by itself, not being able to determine, beyond a reasonable doubt, that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person ”by the new coronavirus.

The experts heard by the PUBLIC contradict this information. Vasco Barreto, a researcher at the Center for the Study of Chronic Diseases (Cedoc) of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, said that the idea transmitted in the sentence was “false” and considered “irresponsible” the way in which two magistrates of a court higher education questions a scientifically validated diagnostic instrument. “PCR tests have a specificity and sensitivity greater than 95%. That is, in the vast majority of cases they detect the virus that causes covid-19 ”.

Germano de Sousa, former president of the Order of Doctors and owner of a network of laboratories, also accused the judges of reading a scientific article cited in the sentence “completely wrong.”
