COVID-19. Portugal has 90 counties with more than double the rate that forces you to charge a curfew – News


This Monday, the General Directorate of Health (DGS) again released the list with the distribution of confirmed cases by municipality, in addition to the daily bulletin that contains the number of infected, recovered, deceased and hospitalized in the last 24 hours.

From this list, it can be seen that the municipality with the highest number of infected per 100,000 inhabitants is Paços de Ferreira (3,698), followed by Lousada (3,362 infected) and Vizela (2,653 infected). But these are not the only counties painted red on the map of Portugal (high risk of transmission of the infection), which reflects the rate of new cases accumulated in 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants.

These data released yesterday refer to the period from October 28 to November 10 and show that there are 90 counties with more than double the curfew rate, which is above 240 new cases of Covid-19.

  • In ARS North (Regional Health Administration), the municipalities of Paços de Ferreira (3,698), Lousada (3,362) and Vizela (2,653) are then the ones with the highest accumulated incidence with 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • In ARS Center they are Manteigas (2,627), Belmonte (1,766) and Cinfães (1,299).
  • In ARS Lisboa and Tagus Valley, the municipalities with the highest cumulative incidence at 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants are Setúbal (592), followed by Lisbon (576) and Cascais (549).
  • In ARS Alentejo they are Vila Viçosa (901), Redondo (803) and Monforte (672).
  • In ARS Algarve são Vila do Bispo (466), Faro (349) and São Brás de Alportel (326) the municipalities with the highest cumulative incidence at 14 days per 100 thousand inhabitants

There are also 27 municipalities that are above the threshold of 1000 cases, that is, four times more than the level defined by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) as having a high risk of transmission (240 ). Most of them are in the northern region, among them Guimarães (1886), Fafe (1787), Freixo de Espada à Cinta (1546), Penafiel (2055) and Paredes (2132).

At the usual DGS press conference, the General Director of Health, Graça Freitas, highlighted that Portugal occupies the tenth position on this map of countries considered by the ECDC, which, in addition to the Member States, also includes the United Kingdom. Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

This Monday, Portugal appeared with a cumulative incidence of 710 cases. Above our country were Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Austria, France, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Italy and Belgium, writes the Public newspaper. Thus, in the last two weeks, the Portuguese situation is worse than that of Spain and is close to that of Italy.

At the DGS press conference yesterday, the Director of Information and Analysis Services of the General Health Directorate, André Peralta Santos, recalled that the “North Region is the one with the highest incidence.” Looking at the map of counties, it is confirmed that most of the 27 counties that are above the thousand threshold are in the North region.

For Teresa Leão, a researcher at the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP), “it is interesting that the population knows the intensity of transmission in the municipality where they live, because they can still take more precautions, such as staying at home or reducing contacts “. . But, on the other hand, “it can also bring a false sense of security to people who live in municipalities with less accumulated incidence,” he explains to Public.

The public health doctor proposes that, instead of evaluating the municipalities only through the accumulated incidence, the transmissibility index (Rt) should be taken into account, which allows perceiving the evolution of the situation. This is due to the fact that if the incidence indicator is considered in isolation “it can cause some fear and agitation in the population, which may feel uncomfortable because it is labeled as high risk”.
