Does the coronavirus mutation in mink put the vaccine at risk? Understand


A mutation detected in objective, which refers to an amino acid change in the protein of the new coronavirus SARSCoV-2, behind the disease COVID-19-19, no it affects the ability of the immune system to recognize infection.

A team of scientists who reviewed the data. refined An analysis published in Nature, and published in the journal Galileu, reports that the mutations are not particularly alarming, because there is nothing to indicate that the virus spreads more rapidly between humans, makes the disease more lethal, or impairs the formulation. of vaccines.

According to Astrid Iversen, virologist University of Oxford, in statements to Nature: “Mutations associated with the mink which we know are not associated with rapid spread. ”


As Galileo explains, Jannik Fonager, virologist gives Statens Serum Institute, Danish Health Authority, shared with the scientific journal Nature that Danish scientists sequential viral samples from various individuals and detetaram approximately 300 variants dating back to objective. Which implies that the mutations may have initially appeared in animals.

In addition, outbreaks of the pathology have been recorded let’s aim in Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy and the United States.

Consequently, the Danish Prime Minister, Places Frederiksen, declared on 4 November plans to end the creation of objective and massacre about 17 million specimens no country.

Meanwhile, Holland plans to exterminate its entire population of objective until 2021.

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