The US can recover “relative normality” in the second half of 2021 – Fauci – O Jornal Económico


“We have to vaccinate people, because if we get the overwhelming majority to receive it and, on the one hand, it is effective and, on the other hand, there is a high level of use, we can start to get things back to relative normality. entering the second and fourth quarters of the year, “said Fauci, interviewed by CNN television.

Even so, he insisted that a series of factors must be verified: “We have a vaccine, we must distribute it and we cannot abandon fundamental public health measures. You can achieve a degree of normality by doing things that are fundamental to public health ”.

Asked about the process of transition from the administration of Donald Trump to the future government of Democrat Joe Biden, Fauci said that it is desirable that government officials begin working as soon as possible with former Vice President Barack Obama’s team (2009-2017) on the health crisis.

“Of course, it would be better if we could start working with them,” said the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

“As you know, I have been through multiple transitions, having served over 36 years for six presidents. And it is very clear that the transition process that we are going through is really important for the smooth flow of information, it is as if it were the passage of testimony in a career, “he added.

Fauci also warned: “You don’t want to stop and pass it on to someone, basically you want to continue.”

On November 7, Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election according to social media projections, but outgoing President Donald Trump did not acknowledge the defeat and the alleged election fraud, leaving indications that he will not facilitate a peaceful transition of power. .

In the last week, the United States, the country most affected by the pandemic, with almost 11 million infected by the new coronavirus and more than 245 thousand deaths, registered daily records of infections, reaching an unprecedented figure of 187,095 new infections this Friday .

Despite this increase in numbers, Fauci eliminated the national lockdown scenario, but admitted that the quarantine could be ordered in specific places.

“If we are unable to reverse the rise (…) we are not going to impose national confinement, I think it is very clear, but I think we are going to start acting at the local level, that is, with governors, mayors or local people who go as you said, surgical-type restrictions, which are the functional equivalent of a local confinement ”, he commented.

This week, the North American pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced that its vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 has an efficiency of 90%, above that required by the regulatory authorities of the country, which allows waiting for a quick emergency authorization to be placed on the market. day service to the population.
