Covid-19: Bishops publish note with new guidelines on worsening pandemic, calling for “responsible behavior”


The Portuguese Episcopal Conference addresses the limitations to Sunday Eucharistic celebrations and catechetical sessions

Photo: João Lopes Cardoso / Diocese of Porto

Fatima, November 13, 2020 (Ecclesia) – The Portuguese Episcopal Conference (CEP) published today a new one on the worsening of the Covid-19 pandemic and the new state of emergency in the country, calling for “responsible behaviors” of society and Catholic communities.

“Given the seriousness of the situation, we call on everyone to adopt responsible behavior in the most diverse sectors of their life and activity and to respect the determinations of the constituted authorities, with the aim of stopping and controlling the wave of infections”, says the document, titled ‘Live and celebrate faith in times of pandemic’.

“This responsible behavior must be lived after the most festive liturgical celebrations (Baptisms, Communions, Confirmations and Weddings), always avoiding gatherings outside the churches and in their own homes,” adds the text.

The Portuguese bishops sympathize with the “difficulties and sufferings” of the citizens, showing themselves “concerned about the spread of Covid-19, with aggravated risks to life and health”.

The note addresses possible limitations to Sunday Eucharistic celebrations and catechetical sessions, during the new state of emergency, includes the prohibition of circulation in public spaces and highways in 121 (177, as of Monday) counties, daily between From 23:00 to 05:00 and from 13:00 to 05:00, from Saturday to Sunday and from Sunday to Monday.

“The impossibility of complying with the Sunday precept does not excuse anyone, not even those who cannot or should not leave home for reasons beyond their control, from complying with the divine mandate to keep the Sabbath day holy,” says CEP.

The bishops present alternatives such as “participate in the Eucharist on Saturday or another day of the week; carry out the services of family life with love, without neglecting the convenient rest of the body and spirit; devote a reasonable time to personal prayer and, if possible, as a family to the reading of Sacred Scripture and other exercises of piety; participate spiritually, if possible, in a Eucharistic celebration broadcast on radio, television or the Internet; establish contact, through the available means, with family, friends and acquaintances, giving priority to those who suffer the most from illness or loneliness; be aware of the needs and joys of the neighbors in common ”.

Regarding face-to-face catechesis, when this is not possible, the CEP asks the catechists to keep in touch with the catechists and their families and that, “group by group, they are evaluating the possibilities of offering them this service,” by means of digital. and another”.

“In any case, parents are responsible for accompanying their children during possible distance catechism sessions to help them focus on them and clarify misunderstandings and doubts that their children may have; Without this involvement of the family, catechesis through digital means will be an illusion, ”the document states.

CEP values ​​the “dedicated and creative work” of priests, deacons and pastoral agents, at the service of the communities, Private Institutions of Social Solidarity and chaplains.

“We entrust all of you, your families and your communities to the protection of Saint Mary, Lady of the Rosary of Fatima and Mother of the Church, asking, through her intercession, that the Lord confirm us in faith and charity, help us to overcome this. crisis and collaborate in the construction of a more solidary and fraternal world ”, concludes the document, approved today in the Plenary Assembly that takes place in person, in Fatima, and online, since Wednesday.

