São Miguel schools with positive cases closed until December


The decision was taken at a meeting of the Governing Council, which, following the recommendation of the Regional Health Authority, approved a Resolution that determines, for the island of São Miguel, and enter into force between 00:00 hours on 16 and at midnight on December 1, the closure of establishments in the three cycles of basic education, as well as secondary education, whether public or private, where positive cases are identified in a diagnostic test for SARS-COV-2.

15 educational establishments are at stake, but the executive anticipates that other schools may close, “where positive cases may occur”, due to “the evaluation of the specific epidemiological context of each situation.

The free time workshops (ATL) and the youth inclusion and development centers will also be closed from November 16 to December 1.

The Azorean executive also decided to determine that the services of the regional administration, public institutes and public companies, based on the island of São Miguel, “promote the teleworking regime for workers over 60 years of age, for those with chronic diseases and of pregnant women ”.

The measure also applies to employees who “need to support their children, up to 14 years or, in addition to this age, in special situations”, if the schools they attend are closed.
