Second worst day of the pandemic in Portugal with more than 5,839 cases of covid-19 and 78 deaths – Coronavirus


The number of people infected with covid-19 in Portugal increased by 5,839 for a total of 198,011, according to the data revealed this Thursday, November 12 by the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Regarding deaths related to the new coronavirus, increased by 78 in the last 24 hours, which compares with the daily record of 82 deaths that was announced yesterday. The record announced today is the second highest in history.

The cumulative death toll since the start of the pandemic is now 3,181. In November alone, 637 deaths were registered, more than in the entire month of October.

The number of new cases reported today is the second highest in history and is compared to the 4,935 the day before. The daily average of new cases in the last seven days increased to 5,237, That compares with 5,033.1 taking into account the data up to yesterday.

In the last 14 days, Portugal accumulated 635.16 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This indicator, widely used internationally to measure the spread of the virus and a criterion determined by the Government to consider municipalities at risk, set a new record and far exceeds the defined limit of 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The number of recovered patients increased by 3,336, for a total of 113,689, While active cases, which is calculated by subtracting recovered patients and deaths from the total number of confirmed cases, increased by 2,425. Active cases are now 81,141, the highest value of all time.

Intensive care admissions drop

The number of hospitalized for covid-19 increased by 9, for a total of 2,794 hospitalized patients, representing a new high, but also the smallest increase in six days.

As for the most serious cases, hospitalizations in intensive care units, now they have 383, less 8 than yesterday.

North with more than half of the deaths

As has been the case, most of the new reported cases are located in the region North, which adds another 3,567 new cases, 61% of infections in the country in the last 24 hours, bringing the total for the region to 97,624.

Lisbon and the Tagus Valley now have 73,281 1,345 more cases than yesterday, which means it was responsible for 23% of new infections.

Of the remaining new cases, 749 were in the Center (a record for this region), 56 in the Alentejo, 77 in the Algarve, 16 in Madeira and 29 in the Azores.

Regarding deaths, the majority were registered in the North, with 45, which represents the highest daily number in this region. It is followed by Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, with 25, the Center, with 6 and Alentejo, with 2. In the Algarve, Madeira and the Azores there are no new fatalities to mourn.

In accumulated terms, the North has 1,459 deaths, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo add 1,206, the Center 395, Alentejo 73, Algarve 31, Azores 15 and Madeira 2.

At least 1.285 million deaths worldwide

The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has already killed at least 1,285,160 people worldwide since the first case was reported in China, according to the daily report by the agency France-Press.

More than 52,151,580 people have been infected by the new coronavirus worldwide, according to the balance, prepared at 11:00 TMG (12:00 in Lisbon) today according to official sources.

To date, at least 33,151,580 people have been considered cured of covid-19, adds the French agency, underlining that the official figures reflect only a part of the real number of contaminations in the world.

Some countries only test severe cases, others use tests primarily for screening, and many poor countries have limited testing capabilities.

On Wednesday, 10,030 deaths and 627,315 new infections were reported, according to figures compiled and released by the agency.

The countries that registered the most deaths that day were the United States (1,330), Italy (623) and the United Kingdom (595).

The United States continues to be the most affected country, both in number of deaths and infections, with a total of 241,808 deaths and 10,402,274 cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, which still has 3,997,175 cases declared cured. .

After the United States, the most affected countries are Brazil with 163,373 deaths and 5,748,375 cases of infection, India with 128,121 deaths (8,683,916 cases), Mexico with 96,430 deaths (986,177 cases) and the United Kingdom with 50,365 deaths (1,256,725 cases).

Among the most affected countries, Belgium is the one with the highest number of deaths in relation to its population, with 119 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Peru (106), Spain (86), and Brazil (77).

China (excluding the territories of Hong Kong and Macao) officially recorded a total of 86,299 cases (15 new between Wednesday and today), including 4,634 deaths and 81,252 recoveries.

In terms of world regions, Latin America and the Caribbean had a total of 417,104 deaths in 11,817,331 cases, Europe 322,177 deaths (13,625,939 cases), the United States and Canada 252,477 deaths (10,678,117 cases), Asia 179,581 deaths (11,255,051 cases) , Middle East 66,603 deaths (2,824,871 cases), Africa 46,277 deaths (1,920,306 cases) and Oceania 941 deaths (29,974 cases).

The balance was based on data obtained by AFP from national authorities and information from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Due to corrections made by the authorities and late notifications, the increase in the daily figures may not correspond exactly to the difference with the data advanced the day before.

(news in update)
