Joe Biden Names Veteran Ron Klain White House Chief of Staff | Elections USA 2020


US President-elect Joe Biden appointed Ron Klain as White House chief of staff, a veteran who has worked with the Democrat over the years and who has been a strong critic of Donald Trump in managing of the pandemic.

The 59-year-old attorney has extensive experience on Capitol Hill, having served as an adviser to former President Barack Obama and as chief of staff to then-Vice President Joe Biden, with whom he also worked in Congress in the late 1980s, when Biden he was a senator from the state of Delaware.

Klain was one of the main advisers in Obama’s first years in the White House, having participated in the elaboration of an economic stimulus package of more than 787 billion dollars launched by the Obama Administration to face the economic crisis, highlights the The Guardian.

In 2014, the lawyer was chosen to coordinate the White House response to the Ebola virus outbreak, a job that earned him high praise and that will have contributed to his election as Chief of Staff of the White House, where he fights the pandemic. of covid. -19 will be a top priority, as Joe Biden has pointed out.

“His vast and varied experience and ability to work with people from across the political spectrum is precisely what I need in a White House chief of staff, when we face this time of crisis and to unite the country,” said the president-elect. , in a statement, referring to Ron Klain as an “invaluable” advisor.

“I am honored by the confidence of the President-elect and will do my best to lead a talented and diverse team of the Biden-Harris administration,” reacted on Twitter Klain, who was also Vice President Al Gore’s chief of staff and attorney for the Democratic Candidate. to the White House in 2000, in the process of counting the votes in Florida, which would end the election of George W. Bush.

“Deep experience”

Klain’s election has pleased several figures in the Democratic Party, who have congratulated him. Among them were former 2020 presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg, who highlighted his “deep experience”, and Elizabeth Warren, who highlighted the “excellent choice” of a person who “earned the trust of the entire Democratic Party” and “understands the magnitude of the economic and health crisis ”.

In the coming days, Joe Biden is expected to reveal a few more names of employees who will join his office at the White House. As for the main names in his Administration, Biden said they should only be revealed at the end of the month, around the Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day), this year is celebrated on November 26.

Buttigieg and Warren are appointed by media The North Americans as two names that can integrate important positions in the Presidency of Biden, being designated, respectively, Ambassador of the United States before the United Nations and Secretary of Finance.

Former Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders is also referred to as a possible choice for the Secretary of Labor, and Sanders himself, representative of the most progressive wing of the Democratic Party, admitted in an interview with CNN on Wednesday that he would accept the position. The party’s more progressive names, however, may face a lockdown in a Republican-majority Senate.

Inputs and outputs

As Joe Biden continues to prepare his Administration, Donald Trump continues to fail to concede defeat and delay the transition of power as much as possible.

The last days in the White House have been marked by entrances and exits, particularly in the Secretary of Defense. On Tuesday, Trump fired Mark Esper, replacing him with Christopher C. Miller, director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

Since then, several Defense Department officials have been removed, including Under Secretary of Defense James Anderson, Under Secretary for Secret Services Joseph Kernan and Mark Esper’s Chief of Staff Jennifer Stewart.

The Defense Department now includes figures close to the president, including Gen. Anthony Tata, a former Fox News contributor known for his extremist positions, and Jash Patel, a former aide to Republican Congressman Devin Nunes, one of Donald Trump’s leading defenders.

To block

These movements coincide with a blockade by the State Department, which refuses to deliver official messages from heads of state or government of several countries that seek to contact Joe Biden, CNN reported Wednesday.

Traditionally, it is the responsibility of the State Department to organize contact between presidents or governments with the president-elect. However, Donald Trump’s refusal to acknowledge defeat and start the transition process implies, for example, not releasing federal funds for the president-elect’s team to pay salaries or preventing access to confidential information and infrastructure in different countries. Federal agencies.

Despite this, Joe Biden has already spoken by phone with several world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and the heads of government of Canada, Justin Trudeau of Japan, Yoshihide Suga, and Australia. , Scott Morrison.
