Church / Portugal: President of the Episcopal Conference warns about “worrying situation” of the pandemic (with video)


Mr. José Ornelas calls for measures of a “health, social, economic, cultural and spiritual” nature

Fatima, November 11, 2020 (Ecclesia) – The president of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference (CEP) warned today in Fatima of the “worrying pandemic situation” in the country and in the world, calling for measures of a “sanitary, social, economic, cultural and spiritual ”” In response to Covid-19.

“This pandemic that has dramatically paralyzed and continues to impede the normal development of human activities requires attitudes and measures of a health, social, economic, cultural and spiritual nature,” said D. José Ornelas, in the inaugural speech of the 199th Assembly . Plenary session of the CEP, which for the first time is held in person and online, due to the pandemic.

The Bishop of Setúbal defended “the redoubled attention of all” and the measures that guarantee “the overcoming of the crisis, in all the human, social and spiritual dimensions that it affects”.

“We urgently need effective vaccines and treatments, but we are not just organisms sick with the coronavirus. We are people who need to integrate suffering, efforts and sacrifices and the dramatic beauty of solidarity in a sense of life and in a way towards the future ”, he said.

This is the second Plenary Assembly to be held in the context of the pandemic and in the first, in June, the CEP published the socioeconomic consequences of the current crisis.

The president of the Catholic organization said that the stories of struggle, sacrifice and even “so many errors and irresponsible attitudes” in recent months should result in a community change, “in a society, in an economy, in a more caring, more caring Church , with more hope ”.

D. José Ornelas explained that the reflection continues in this session, “deepening the reality and the challenges of the present and the future perspectives that the crisis represents for the whole Church; specifically for the Church in Portugal ”.

We have to socialize again, we have to return to our churches, more humane, more fraternal, more believing and consistent with the God who walks with humanity, always attentive to the most fragile and always promoting renewal and hope ”.

The president of the CEP said that the Catholic Church in Portugal has been a “sign of hope”, given the situation caused by Covid-19, and “never” took the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic, “avoiding fear or consolation.

The intervention, sent to the media, highlighted the “creativity” of Catholic communities to respond to limitations, “with extensive recourse to the media,” as well as the response to help “to the economic and social victims. and isolation ”.

“A sign of hope was the dedication of priests, deacons and so many Christians who have made it possible to maintain and develop celebrations and contacts, to be with the most isolated and to help those who have lost the most from the pandemic. It is a particular reason for hope that, in this context, countless young people have awakened to an active participation in the life of the communities ”, declared D. José Ornelas.

The official mentioned the recent deaths of D. Anacleto Oliveira, bishop of Viana do Castelo, and D. José Pedreira, bishop emeritus of the same diocese.

This Saturday, at 11 am, the bishops of Portugal will concelebrate a suffrage mass for the victims of the pandemic, in the Basilica of the Holy Trinity, in Fatima, with the presence of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister of Portugal.

“All the bishops and some representatives of the dioceses of Portugal should be together for this celebration of a national nature. Given that the current situation in the country does not promote many displacements, the bishops who may be in Fatima will participate in this celebration and the others will join us and the families of the deceased, in celebration of longing and mourning, but also of hope. and life, in the Lord Jesus, dead and risen, who never lets us fall from his strong and loving hands ”, explains D. José Ornelas.


The 199th Plenary Assembly of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference will last until Friday, at Casa Nossa Senhora das Dores, in Fátima; On Saturday, at 2:30 p.m., a press conference is scheduled.

The work agenda of the episcopal assembly includes the analysis of “information and proposals of the Delegates of Episcopal Communications and CEP”, the “Guidelines for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons in the Church”, the “study on the Permanent Diaconate” and “World Youth Day Lisbon 2023” and the “approval of the 2019 Accounts Report and 2021 Budget”, says a note sent to Agência ECCLESIA.
