‘O Principezinho’ puts aside the transmission inside the nursery – DNOTICIAS.PT


It was through a statement that the Administrative Director of the ‘O Principezinho’ kindergarten, in Caniço, confirmed the second case of contagion in children of that educational establishment, reaffirming that the establishment was temporarily closed “, according to the guidelines of the Services Regional Health, Delegation of Health of Santa Cruz, Regional Government and Regional Secretariat of Education.

In that same statement, those responsible for this private nursery set aside the existence of transmission within the establishment, highlighting that the two cases originate in a local chain, therefore “with this temporary closure we intend, in a civically responsible manner, minimize new transmissions of the virus and, consequently, its spread in the community, safeguarding public health ”.

It should be noted that the two positive cases confirmed this week come from the same chain of community transmission, external to the nursery school, with no evidence of transmission within the establishment so far.
The Administrative Directorate of the kindergarten ‘O Principezinho’

For now, the reopening date is not yet known, which “will depend on the guidelines of the entities mentioned above.”

Those responsible for this kindergarten in Caniço highlight the various measures to combat the pandemic that have been implemented in this establishment since the beginning of the pandemic, which includes “the implementation of six different entrance doors to the building, in order to promote distance between its users, during the delivery and collection of children “.

The appearance of another confirmed case of Covid-19 in a child from another ‘O Principezinho’ nursery led the health authorities to choose to close that school.
