Egas Moniz doctor who is against masks passes statements to patients about not having to use them – Observer


Regarding the fact that most of the certificates to which the Observer had access resulted from unique consultations, Augusto Goulão highlights that, although the “majority” of the consultations with neuro-radiology patients are not unique, it is “possible” that a doctor of this specialty sees a patient only once.

“Some consultations we do are unique, because they are colleagues from other specialties who ask us for our opinion about a patient. There are people who go to consultations and we analyze the images that are taken, we talk with the patient and it can be reduced to that“, Explain.

But this does not seem to have happened in the consultations in Gabriel Branco, the certificates of exemption from the use of masks or visors were issued. In the documents to which the Observer had access, there is no indication that the doctor evaluated the patient’s tests or that, for example, he prescribed any medication or other tests.

If this had happened, wouldn’t the doctor have written it down in the clinical journal? According to the rector of the school, “in principle” this type of information is placed in the records, but it is not a rule, since not all neuroradiology consultations have to involve a prescription for tests or medications: “We say why the patient came to the consultation, what do we think of the tests we evaluate and say if we should do therapy or pass some more tests, but it does not have to pass at all ”.

The Observer also asked Augusto Goulão if the school would analyze this situation, but, according to the president, so far, there is no specific complaint about these statements or inquiries. If that happens, the university will have to analyze and “take a stand.”

The Observer had previously spoken with the doctor about the Covid-19 outbreak that affected several elements of Neuroradiology, the service he directs, and Radiology at the Egas Moniz Hospital. In this conversation, Gabriel Branco treated the problem as if it were the flu: he never mentioned the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19. In what little he could say about the situation, the doctor referred to an “outbreak of positive PCR tests”, making it clear that he is against testing people who do not have symptoms.

Egas Moniz Hospital. Infected people force limiting radiology services to urgent hospitalized patients

Gabriel White is the subject of at least two complaints filed with the Portuguese Medical Association: one for the statements made even before the “Doctors for Truth” movement existed and the other taking into account the statements he made at the press conference on August 29, the date the movement was presented. Pedro Abreu, retired professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL), accused the doctor of appealing disobedience by wearing masks and deny the existence of the pandemic in Facebook posts. The chemist also criticizes published opinion articles, interventions in the movement and the doctor’s participation in an anti-mask demonstration.

In the first participation sent to the Ordem dos Médicos, on July 28, Pedro Abreu leaves, among other examples, two quotes used by Gabriel Branco on Facebook: “… taking off the mask is the first act of revolt that goes through an unmistakable message : there is no pandemic“; and, “To all my medical colleagues, take off your masks … you know if you have to.” The same participation was sent, the same day, to the administration of the Egas Moniz Hospital. Gabriel Branco tells the Observer that he was aware of the complaint sent to the hospital, but that has not yet received any contact from the Ordem dos Médicos.

The complaint by the FCT-UNL professor was not the only one directed at those responsible for the Egas Moniz Hospital. The Observer knows that the hospital professionals advised the Board of Directors of the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental that the director of the Neuroradiology service walk in the service and common spaces of the hospital without a mask (surgical or other), contrary to the rules established by the General Directorate of Health. The board of directors was questioned by the Observer on the matter, but did not respond. Gabriel Branco, for his part, does not hide his opinion about the masks, but adds that “if the standards are not met, there is a problem.”

“My opinion cannot prevail over the institution,” said Gabriel Branco, although, in conversation with the Observer, he also admitted that, when sitting in the office, he sometimes takes off his mask. However, the Office of the Director of Neuroradiology is not a space reserved just for you; it is a common space, used daily by other service professionals and, on occasions, in meetings with health professionals from other services. A hospital source confirms that Gabriel Branco is often no mask in this common roomeven in the presence of other people.
