Lisbon Municipal Assembly refuses to suspend parking payment | Coronavirus


The Municipal Assembly of Lisbon (AML) rejected, this Tuesday, with the votes against the PS and eight independent deputies, a recommendation from the PSD to suspend the payment of parking meters in the city due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The document, considered in the AML Plenary, made by videoconference, also deserved the abstention of the PCP and BE and the favorable votes of the PSD, CDS-PP, PEV, MPT, PPM and two independent municipal deputies.

Given the fact that “people feel the need to use more individual transport to protect themselves and their families from possible contagion currents” and that the movement of citizens is more limited, the PSD asked the municipality, led by PS, “the temporary suspension of the application of rates within the scope of the General Regulation of Parking and Stops in the Public Highway of the Municipality of Lisbon”.

In the opinion of the party, “teachers, health professionals, elements of the security forces and other professionals declared essential must maintain their trips at home / work, and must have the opportunity to protect themselves from possible infections on these trips.”

Even so, he referred to the recommendation of the Social Democrats, the Lisbon Municipal Mobility and Parking Company – EMEL must “continue to inspect the parking lot to ensure that there is no abusive parking or that endangers road and / or pedestrian safety” .

In October, the CDS-PP of AML also asked, during the debate on the state of the city, that the payment of public parking be suspended again, a proposal that did not deserve any comment on the part of the mayor, Fernando Medina.

The EMEL parking charge on public roads was suspended in Lisbon, due to the covid-19 pandemic on March 16 and resumed on May 11.

The vehicles of residents with a valid credential (and all those who had already been granted access) could continue to park for free in EMEL car parks until June 30.

The only measure that remains in force until December is free parking for health teams in the units of the National Health Service “most directly involved in the fight against the pandemic.”
