Caniço Pharmacy closed to the public for a week


The Caniço Pharmacy decided to close for a week, according to the administration in a statement.

The Caniço Pharmacy begins by reporting that last Friday a positive case of covid-19 was detected in a worker in this space. On that same date, the management “immediately offered to the health authority to preventively close the establishment,” he says.

The health authority ensured that the situation was monitored, followed and interrogated to the workers about a possible appearance of symptoms, since this is the defined protocol.

“In order not to wait for the tests any more”, the management of Farmácia do Caniço took care of all the PCR tests with an analysis laboratory. “The results of these analyzes, financed by Farmácia do Caniço, were shared in a spirit of full collaboration and transparency with the Health Authority”, adds the same note.

After the tests, the “health authority declared today the prophylactic isolation of all Farmácia do Caniço employees,” reports the Farmácia do Caniço management, which stresses that “it could put other workers in trouble, but chooses not to” close the establishment for a week. “The reopening will be coordinated with the health authority, complying with the criteria of safety and disinfection of the space.

“Farmácia do Caniço wishes much strength and health to all health professionals, without exception, who are working 200% to combat this global pandemic. We extend a special greeting to our pharmacist colleagues who are and will always be the closest contact narrow between the population and the Health Services ”, says the same note, which emphasizes that upon their return these professionals will continue to exercise the activity“ with the same diligence, the same zeal and the same availability ”.
