What about the 100,000 computers for schools?


In times of pandemic, the measures are exceptional. The government has tried to create solutions for everything that is needed, be it in terms of health, the economy and even education.

One of the measures at the level of education is the distribution, this month, of 100,000 computers with internet and with different types. But nevertheless, 1/3 of machines may not arrive this month. Know the reason.

COVID-19: What about the 100 computers for schools?

The Digital School program, aimed at public school students and teachers, will make the first 100,000 computers available “already in the 1st quarter”, giving priority to the neediest students. The guardianship referred to the fact that computers have a "differentiated typology by teaching cycle and access to mobile broadband Internet." The investment stipulated for the program, which aims to "universalize the digital school", is 400 million euros.

MEO awaits ANACOM's response for the delivery of computers ...

According to the DN, MEO says that it cannot deliver terminals within the scope of the Digital School if the regulator does not unblock the assignment of new numbers. On the other hand, Anacom requested "more clarification" and says that the request is "under analysis."

The first 100,000 computers were due to be delivered this month, but those supplied by MEO may be missing if the company does not obtain numbers from Anacom's mobile range that will allow it to give internet to the terminals it won in the government-sponsored contest.

COVID-19: What about the 100 computers for schools?

The regulator says that “it did not reject the request, it requested additional information because there are rules on numbering and it is important to verify compliance. In view of the 13.8 million mobile numbers currently assigned to Meo, Anacom you have to know if they are being managed effectively and efficiently to be able to assess the need to assign new numbers and be able to make the decision ”, revealed a source to DN.

MEO says that “earlier this week, October 26-30, sent a correction to the information previously submitted; that is why the matter is still under analysis and the decision to the request made by MEO has not yet been made ”.

Altice Portugal expects the regulator "to urgently define the numbering assignment request, since this position of Anacom is blocking the agility and speed required by the urgency of the process." "It will be a shame if, due to the Communications Regulator in Portugal, the implementation of the Digital School is compromised."

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