Portugal enters a new state of emergency including curfew – News


This measure that prohibits traffic on public roads between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on weekdays and, for the next two weekends, starting at 1:00 p.m., is applied in 121 municipalities considered to be at high risk of transmission. COVID-19.

These municipalities, which cover 70% of the resident population, include all the municipalities in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto.

The measure was approved by an extraordinary Council of Ministers that took place on Saturday night and provides for exceptions such as commuting to work, returning home, emergency situations, hygienic walks in the vicinity of homes or animals that walk.

The executive also approved other measures that will be applied to continental Portugal, such as the possibility of measuring body temperature by non-invasive means in access to the workplace, schools, means of transport or commercial and sports spaces.

The possibility of requiring diagnostic tests for covid-19 in schools, homes, health facilities, when entering and leaving the national territory, prisons or other places that the General Directorate of Health determines.

The new state of emergency also provides for the possibility of requesting resources, means and health facilities from the private and social sector.

The mobilization of human resources to increase the tracking capacity, such as carrying out epidemiological inquiries or tracing the contacts of workers in prophylactic isolation, teachers without an academic component or military personnel of the Armed Forces, is another measure provided by the state of emergency.

Last week, the Government had already approved other measures to contain the pandemic on the continent, such as groupings in restaurants limited to six people, unless they belong to the same household.

Exceptions to the prohibition of circulating on public roads

Despite the prohibitions imposed, there are exceptions, published on Sunday night in the Diário da República. In this way, it is possible to circulate to:

  • Traveling for the performance of professional or similar functions, as evidenced by the statement:
    • Issued by employer or equivalent;
    • Issued by itself, in the case of freelancers, sole proprietors or members of statutory bodies;
    • Of honor, in the case of workers in the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors.
  • Travel in the exercise of the respective functions or by reason of the same, without the need for a statement issued by the employer or equivalent:
    • Health professionals and other workers of health and social care institutions;
    • Civil protection agents, security forces and services, military, militarized and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and inspectors of the Food and Economic Security Authority;
    • Heads of sovereign bodies, leaders of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic and people with a free pass issued in legal terms;
    • Ministers of worship, by accreditation of the competent bodies of the respective church or religious community;
    • Personnel from diplomatic and consular missions and international organizations located in Portugal, as long as they are related to the performance of official functions.
  • Traveling for health reasons, to buy products in pharmacies or to obtain medical care and transportation of people to whom such care must be administered
  • Traveling to grocery stores and supermarkets and other establishments that sell food and hygiene products for people and animals;
  • Displacement for urgent reception of victims of domestic violence or human trafficking, as well as children and young people at risk, by application of a measure decreed by a judicial authority or the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth, in a residential or family home ;
  • Travel to help vulnerable people, people with disabilities, children, parents, the elderly or dependents;
  • Displacements for other imperative family reasons, namely, compliance with the distribution of parental responsibility, as determined by agreement between the respective owners or by the competent court;
  • Travel of veterinarians, animal caregivers for urgent medical-veterinary assistance, caretakers of colonies recognized by the municipalities, volunteers from zoophilic associations with dependent animals who need to travel to animal shelters and animal rescue teams. for urgent assistance;
  • Travel necessary to exercise freedom of the press;
  • Short-term pedestrian trips, for moments outdoors, unaccompanied or in the company of members of the same household who live together;
  • Short-term pedestrian trips for the purpose of walking pets;
  • For other causes of force majeure, provided it is urgent and duly justified;
  • Return to personal home within the scope of the trips referred to in the previous paragraphs.

Crime of disobedience for those who do not comply with the rules of the state of emergency

According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers that regulates the application of the state of emergency, it corresponds to “the security forces and services” to ensure compliance with the regulations, “raising awareness in the community about the prohibition of unjustified travel.”

On the other hand, the security forces must make contributions “for the crime of disobedience” for violation of the norms provided in the diploma, as well as take citizens “to their homes when necessary”, in cases of non-compliance with the touch curfew.

According to the diploma published today, the security forces and services must also “accompany and follow” people in prophylactic isolation or under active surveillance.

The GNR and the PSP must permanently “report” to the Minister of Internal Administration “the degree of compliance by the population” with the rules relating to the state of emergency, with a view to “allowing the Government to assess the situation at all times.”

Also in the article related to the inspection, the Government determined that the parish councils “collaborate in the application of the law”, through “advising the non-concentration of people on public roads, in recommending to all citizens that they comply with the the prohibition of travel that is not justified and in the signaling with the security forces and services, as well as with the Municipal Police, of establishments to be closed.

Access to the workplace is prevented if the worker has a fever

Access to the workplace, public services, schools, commercial or sports spaces is denied if body temperature measurement is denied or the person has a fever, according to the decree that regulates the state of emergency.

In the case of the workplace, if the worker has a result higher than normal body temperature, that is, equal to or higher than 38ºC, he will not be able to access it, but the absence is justified.

According to the decree published this afternoon in Diário da República, “measurements can be carried out by a worker at the service of the entity responsible for the place or establishment, and physical contact with the target person is not allowed, always through appropriate equipment to for this purpose, it cannot contain a memory or record the measurements made ”.
