State of emergency foresees a curfew between 1 and 5 in the morning of the next two weekends – O Jornal Económico


Prime Minister António Costa revealed, at the end of the extraordinary Council of Ministers that it was intended to regulate the presidential decree of a state of emergency. that there will be a curfew between 1 p.m. and 5 a.m. the next two weekends in the 121 counties with the highest risk of contagion in Covid-19.

In addition, movement restrictions will be applied between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. on the remaining days of the period of validity of this state of emergency, which begins at 12 noon on Monday and ends at 11:59 a.m. on November 23, admitting exceptions “naturally”. work, provide assistance to family members, go to service pharmacies or health units.

These restrictions on daily circulation were explained with “the clear notion that social interaction has made a very important contribution to the spread of contagion”, but as António Costa said that this “is not a miracle solution” it has become if It is necessary, the complementary measure on weekends, to avoid family gatherings at lunchtime. According to data from the epidemiological surveys that he used during his communication, 68% of infections occur in the family, much more than 12% in the workplace, 8% in homes, 3% in schools, 3 % in social life and 1% in the health services themselves.

Recognizing that it is a “very restrictive measure”, and with very serious consequences for sectors such as restaurants, António Costa said that “it is the only way to instill in the spirit of each one” the need to contain the spread of the pandemic. The aim is “to have a Christmas as normal as possible”, but the Prime Minister warned that “we must all be aware of the gravity of the moment we are living in.”

Presented precisely 24 hours before their entry into force, the measures include temperature controls “that have already been practiced in a relatively peaceful manner”, but also the requirement that diagnostic tests access various spaces and institutions, including hospitals, homes and educational establishments, but also when entering and leaving the national territory by air and sea. For this, rapid antigen tests will be used, with the purchase of 100,000 units and the order of an additional 400,000.

Regarding the request for health resources from the private, social and cooperative sector, “preferably by agreement” and “with fair compensation,” the Prime Minister stressed that the Northern Regional Health Administration has already reached an agreement for 116 beds for patients. Covid-19 at Hospital Fernando Pessoa, Hospital da Trofa, CUF Porto and União das Misericórdias. And also the contracting with Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa of another 100 rear hospital beds in Lisbon and Porto, as well as the installation next week of 80 patients who remained in hospitals because they had nowhere to go, reaching a total of 920 from March.
