SIC News | COVID-19. President of the Republic decrees a state of emergency


The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, decreed this Friday a state of emergency in Portugal, for 15 days, starting Monday, to allow measures to contain the covid-19.

“I have just signed the decree on the second state of emergency in the course of the pandemic that has lasted eight months and that we know can be extended for some more,” announced Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in a statement to the country, from the Palace of Belem. , in Lisbon.

According to the Constitution, the state of exception cannot last more than 15 days, without prejudice to possible renewals with the same term.

Marcelo warned of a challenge that does not end in November, “nor in December, nor very likely in the first months of 2021” and, therefore, at the end of the month the state of emergency will be evaluated “in its existence, in its scope and content “.

The head of State highlighted “the permanent constitutional guarantee that this revaluation depends, in addition to the opinion of the Government, the body responsible for the daily management of the pandemic, the initiative and decision of the President of the Republic and the authorization of the Assembly of the Republic – both democratically elected by the people. “

In this brief speech, lasting about five minutes, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa considered that there was “a broad convergence between the President of the Republic, the Assembly of the Republic, the Government, parties and social partners” around this declaration of the state of exception.

The President of the Republic considers a greater moderation essential throughout this month, to reduce the number of patients admitted to hospitals and avoid an aggravated month of December with more drastic restrictions.

To decree, the President of the Republic must listen to the Government, which issued a favorable opinion on Thursday, and have the authorization of the Assembly of the Republic, which was given today, with votes in favor of the PS, PSD and CDS- PP, abstentions by BE, PAN and Chega and votes against by PCP, ENP and Iniciativa Liberal.

“The government is more focused on the curfew”

According to Bernardo Ferrão, this state of emergency has a lower level of coverage because it aims, above all, to strengthen the legal certainty of the measures. However, the decree gives more openness to the use of the Armed Forces.

The Government plans to proceed with a curfew between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., which will allow the restaurant and the entertainment sector not to be harmed.

The approved draft decree allows:

  • the restriction of freedom of movement, “especially in municipalities with a higher level of risk” and “during certain periods of the day or certain days of the week”;
  • the use by public authorities of resources, means and health establishments of the private, social and cooperative sector, “preferably by agreement” and “through fair compensation”;
  • the imposition of body temperature controls and diagnostic tests for the new coronavirus to access certain spaces;
  • the mobilization of workers and the Armed Forces and security to strengthen the health authorities in epidemiological and detection surveys.


Prime Minister António Costa called an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers for Saturday to “materialize” the measures provided for in the draft presidential decree of the state of emergency.

The new extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers is scheduled for 6:00 p.m.
