The Governing Council has already approved new restrictive measures


The Governing Council, meeting in plenary session, approved today the new restrictions for various sectors.

The JM fully reproduces the pandemic prevention and control measures approved in the Region.

1 – All retail and service establishments, including commercial establishments, must remain closed until 23:00.

2 – All catering establishments must remain closed until 23:00.

3 – All beverage establishments and the like, with or without a dance floor and / or night entertainment, must remain closed until 0:00 am.

4 – All restaurants, drinks and similar establishments, commonly known as ‘discotheques’, It will be closed for a period of thirty days.

5 – Except as provided in the previous numbers:

  1. The establishments whose opening hours determined by their licensing are less than the limit established in number 1, will close at the time indicated in said authorization;
  2. Fuel service stations, exclusively for the purpose of selling fuel and supplying vehicles to the public;
  3. Bakeries, exclusively for the production and preparation of bread and pastry;
  4. Pharmacy;
  5. Urgent care clinics, clinics and health care centers;
  6. Funerals and related activities.

6 – The following limitations are determined for restaurants, beverages and similar establishments:

6.1. Seats in restaurants, beverages and similar establishments are limited to 2/3 of their capacity, calculated according to the area intended for customer service and discounted from the area corresponding to mandatory circulation corridors;

6.2. Table occupancy is limited to 5 people, except for households with more than 5 people, duly confirmed with prior reservation;

6.3. Customers of the spaces mentioned above will not be able to stay in those spaces after their closure.

7- It is forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages in open spaces accessible to the public and public roads, except in the exterior spaces of restaurants and beverage establishments duly authorized for this purpose.

8 – The following limitations are determined for beauty and aesthetic establishments:

8.1. Commercial spaces for hairdressers, barbers, beauticians, tattooists, perforators and aesthetic beauty professionals with capacity reduced to 50% of their authorized capacity;

8.2. The services will be provided with prior reservation / reservation.

9 – The following limitations are determined for the establishments of gyms, gyms and spaces for physical exercise:

9.1. 50% of its maximum authorized capacity is allowed;

9.2. Group classes are not allowed indoors with more than 3 people, including the physical trainer;

9.3. It is mandatory to measure the temperature of all users and employees, as well as the supply of alcohol gel at the entrance.

10 – The following limitations are determined in places of worship:

10.1. The capacity of 1/3 of the maximum capacity authorized for the place of worship is authorized, maintaining the distance between the faithful during the celebrations;

10.2. The use of a mask is mandatory inside the place of worship and during the ceremony, in the terms of current legislation, as well as the provision of an alcohol-based gel solution to disinfect the hands at the entrance of the place;

10.3. After religious acts, all areas and objects in contact with the faithful must be properly disinfected;

10.4. It is recommended that after the celebrations all the faithful leave the place without any coexistence in the cemetery or common space.

11 – The following limitations are determined in the playgrounds:

11.1. Capacity reduced to 50%, depending on the physical area;

11.2. Adoption of restricted hours of use of 60 minutes for each user / child, in order to give other users the opportunity;

11.3. Adoption of health and safety protection measures issued by the health authorities.

12 – The suspension of all autonomous non-professional sports competitions, in all sports, is determined for a period of thirty days, being that:

12.1. Non-professional regional athletes and teams, as well as sports agents, are prohibited from participating in national and international competitions for a period of thirty days;

12.2. Training is allowed for these teams and non-professional athletes, provided that all the health and safety measures determined by the health authorities are guaranteed.

13 – The activity of maritime tour operators is authorized, provided that, prior scheduling, the vessels do not exceed 2/3 of their maximum capacity, with a limit of 50 people, and the other exceptional obligations, already in force, are met. , determined in subparagraphs b), c) and d) of paragraph 12 of the Resolution of the Regional Government Council No. 326/2020, published in JORAM, Series I, number 92, of May 14, 2020.

13.1 The maximum capacity limit established in the previous number does not apply to small boats without motor and personal watercraft.

14 – Determine that the maximum capacity of motor vehicles used for mass public transport of passengers and collective transport of children, is conditioned to the following terms:

a) Occupancy up to 2/3 of the capacity is allowed, with a limit of 50 people;

b) The first driver’s seat is conditioned, either on the right side or on the left side.

15 – Determine that the maximum capacity of motor vehicles used for individual public passenger transport (Taxis) and TVDE – Transport in vehicles without benefits from an electronic platform, is conditioned on the following terms:

a) Occupancy up to 2/3 of the capacity is allowed;

b) The front seat next to the driver is conditioned;

c) In vehicles where it is possible to transport two passengers in the front seat, it is possible to occupy the front seat next to the window, leaving only the seat next to the driver free;

d) Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph b), the capacity restriction referred to in paragraph a) does not apply when only customers who are members of the same household are transported in the motor vehicle.

16 – Determine the mandatory use of masks in public passenger and individual transport and collective transport of children, in accordance with Regional Legislative Decree No. 14-A / 2020 / M, of November 5.

17- Determine that the motor vehicles used in the provision of services, by tourist entertainment companies or travel and tourism agencies, related to cultural tourism activities, open-air tourism or mere transportation within the scope of their own activities, do not may exceed its maximum capacity by more than 2/3, with a limit of 50 people, and, in this context, the other exceptional obligations, already in force, determined in sections b) and d) of number 13 of the Council Resolution Regional Government No. 326/2020, published in JORAM, Series I, No. 92, of May 14, 2020 and Regional Legislative Decree No. 14-A / 2020 / M, of November 5.

17.1. The seat restriction mentioned in the previous number does not apply when only customers who are members of the same household are transported in the vehicle.

18 – The operation of the Casino da Madeira is allowed, provided that its maximum capacity is reduced to 50% and the other exceptional conditions, already in force, established in paragraph 11 of the Resolution of the Regional Government Council No. 326/2020, of May 14, 2020.

19 – Weddings, baptisms and other celebrations of worship, as well as family reunions, cannot accommodate more than 50 people simultaneously, and the space where these events are held must comply with the safety regulations determined by the health authorities.

20 – On trips between the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo, it is mandatory to measure the temperature of the passengers in the following terms:

  1. By air when landing;
  2. By sea to the entrance of the ship.

21 – Higher education students and other people disembarking at Madeira and Porto Santo airports, flying from any territory outside of RAM, must perform the second PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 infection between the fifth and On the seventh day after disembarkation, they must remain in isolation at the respective address until the second test is performed and the negative result is obtained, guaranteeing in this period full compliance with the surveillance and self-report of symptoms and preventive measures of COVID – 19.

22 – Inspection by the Public Security Police at the exit of all school establishments will be reinforced, in order to avoid meetings with more than five people and verify that the mandatory use of masks by children from six years, in accordance with current legislation.

23 – Reinforce, through the heads of public administration services and bodies, the need to comply with the provisions contained in Annexes I and II of the Resolution of the Regional Government Council No. 326/2020, published in JORAM, I Série, n. 92, of May 14, 2020, modified by Resolution of the Regional Government Council No. 498/2020, published in JORAM, Series I, number 125, of July 3, 2020, especially with regard to the mandatory nature of the use of a mask and other individual protection measures recommended by the Health Authority and the reinforcement of hygiene and disinfection measures in public service spaces and areas of public circulation.

24 – Recommend to the entire population of the Autonomous Region of Madeira to limit their movements outside the RAM territory, to what is strictly necessary, in the next thirty days.

25 – Violation of these provisions is subject to the sanctions provided for in article 3 of Decree-Law No. 28-B / 2020, of June 26, modified by Decree Law No. 87-A / 2020, of October 15 and the application of the police measures contained in article 6 of Decree-Law no. 28-B / 2020, of June 26, which establishes the administrative regime, in the field of calamity, contingency situation and alert.

26 – Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, disobedience to a legitimate order or order issued by the health authority and the delegated police and control forces, established within the scope of this Resolution, causes the respective offenders to commit the crime of disobedience. provided for and sanctioned in the terms of article 348 of the Penal Code, in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Decree Law No. 82/2009, of April 2, amended and reissued by Decree Law No. 135/2013, of October 4, and article 11, in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 6 of Law No. 27/2006, of July 3, modified and reissued by Law No. 80/2015, of August 3, which approves the Basic Law of Civil Protection.

27 – The situation established in this Resolution and its consequences are of an exceptional nature and are subject to constant evaluation by the competent authorities, and may be subject to review if the circumstances that determined it change.

28 – Resolution of the Regional Government Council No. 385/2020, published in the JORAM I Series, number 104, of June 1, 2020 is repealed. All the provisions of the different Resolutions of the Regional Government Council, in the scope of the situation to combat the pandemic caused by COVID-19, which contradicts the provisions of this Resolution.

29 – This Resolution takes effect at 12:00 am on November 6, 2020 and is effective for a period of thirty days.
