Traffic restrictions. Who will be able to move between counties in the next few days?


From midnight on Friday, October 30 until November 3, there will be movement restrictions between municipalities throughout the country. The PSP and GNR command is to “stay home”, but there are exceptions. Viewing programs, going to school or working are some of the exceptions provided.

Health professionals, civil protection agents, the armed forces and other security forces, as well as political office holders, magistrates, religious leaders, and those who provide support to sovereign bodies, can move between municipalities.

The same will be possible for all citizens who demonstrate professional activity and who travel to educational establishments, day centers or work activities, tests, exams, inspections, procedural acts and live shows, where the movie theaters.

All these units will carry out coordinated and patrolling actions, so that people refrain from making unnecessary large movements. In this operation we intend to create awareness, but we cannot avoid being firm in the face of risky behaviors that could endanger everyone’s safety. and public health ”, explained Colonel Rui Veloso, GIPS commander, at a press conference.

Anyone who moves without justification and is approached by the security forces will receive an order to return to their original destination.
