SIC News | The government prepares to move forward with new pandemic control measures


As the SIC learned, the imposition of the mandatory curfew has already been ruled out, but the Executive wants to advance with the so-called risk maps throughout the country. A measure that can determine the need for partial containment, provided the level of risk justifies it.

The idea is to apply a system identical to the one that regulated access to the beaches during the summer. A kind of “risk map” that will divide the country and determine appropriate measures at each level. According to what was found by the SIC, the risk levels will be defined according to the number of new infected by covid-19 in the last 14 days and the number of hospitalizations in the infirmary and intensive care.

The Council of Ministers decides on Saturday

This is one of the measures that will be on the table in the extraordinary Council of Ministers next Saturday, in which the Government is also preparing to discuss the hypothesis of partial confinements in cases where the level of risk justifies it.

In practice, it will be similar to what was enacted in Lousada, Felgueiras and Paços de Ferreira, municipalities where in two weeks more than 120 new cases were registered for every 100,000 inhabitants and where a “semi-confinement” was imposed that determines, for example, the Stay at home.

Curfew only with state of emergency

The state of emergency is, for now, shelved. It’s a scenario that Belém and São Bento are considering later on, but right now the necessary political consensus has not yet been achieved.

Without declaring a state of emergency, there are more restrictive measures that cannot be imposed. This is the case of the curfew, already adopted in other countries.

Before moving on the prime minister wants to hear parties with parliamentary seats. António Costa welcomes the parties in São Bento on Friday, while in Belém the President of the Republic continues to listen to the agents of the health sector.

At the same time, the health ministers and the presidency listen to epidemiologists and infectionologists, the economy minister listens to the social partners and the National Council of Public Health listens again a week after the last meeting.

Germany to impose partial confinement for a month to combat the pandemic

Germany will impose partial confinement for one month. The country registered, in the last 24 hours, 14,964 new cases of covid-19, the highest number since the start of the pandemic, at a time when the government is preparing to adopt more drastic measures.

Angela Merkel met with the leaders of the 16 federal states. The German government tries to avoid widespread confinement, so for a month there will be a partial confinement from the field.

The measure takes effect next Monday, November 2 and ends at the end of November. Restaurants, bars and cultural spaces will close and meetings will be limited to 10 people from two different families. Schools and stores will remain open, as long as they comply with social distance.

However, there are two districts in the Bavarian region, where the general confinement is already established.

France enters a new national confinement from Friday

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Wednesday that France will enter new national confinement from Friday and will be valid until at least December 1. The Head of State expressed the need to protect “all French”, while protecting the economy.

Non-essential bars, restaurants and shops will close again, at least until December 1. Kindergartens and schools will remain open with strengthened health protocols, however higher education establishments will embrace online education. Visits to nursing homes and care centers will be authorized.

Whenever possible, “generalized teleworking”. The big difference for the first lockdown is that all public service counters must remain open.

24 more deaths and 3,960 cases of Covid-19 in Portugal

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced in the daily bulletin this Wednesday that there are more than 24 deaths and 3,960 new cases of covid-19 in Portugal. THE number of deaths It went from 2,371 to 2,395, 24 more than on Tuesday – 8 occurred in the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley, 11 in the North, 4 in the Center and 1 in the Alentejo. the number of infected increased from 124,432 to 128,392, 3,960 additional cases.

There are 47 more hospitalized patients, totaling 1794. In the intensive care there are 262 patients, 9 more compared to Tuesday.

As to recovered patients there are another 1,657, totaling 74,001 since the start of the pandemic.

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