President of the Republic promotes the mandatory use of mask in the street for 70 days – Society


The President of the Republic issued this Monday the decree of the Assembly of the Republic that determines the mandatory use of a mask in the street, for a period of 70 days, provided that it is not possible to comply with the recommended physical distance.

This promulgation was announced today through a note on the website of the Presidency of the Republic.

“The use of a mask by people 10 years of age and older is mandatory for access, circulation or stay in public spaces and roads as long as the physical distance recommended by the health authorities is impractical,” reads the diploma, which will enter effective the day after its publication.

Failure to comply with this obligation – from which “people who are part of the same household, when they are not in the vicinity of third parties”, or who present a medical statement to that effect – are exempt from sanction, with a fine of 100 to 500 euros.

This is a bill for the Social Democrats that was approved on Friday with votes in favor of the PS, PSD, CDS-PP and PAN and the unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues, with abstentions from the BE, PCP, PEV and the unregistered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira and the Liberal Initiative voting against.

The initiative to make the use of masks mandatory on the street came from the Government, through a bill that generated controversy mainly due to another measure: the mandatory use of the Stayaway Covid mobile phone application.

To expedite the approval of the mandatory use of masks in public spaces, the PSD presented a bill with precisely this measure and the Government withdrew the programming of its proposal in parliament.

In the vote on this special bill, some amendments to the articles of the PSD were approved. As proposed by the PS, the measure will be valid for 70 days – instead of 90 – and is expected to be “evaluated, regarding the need for its renewal, at the end of that period.”

As for the exceptions, the diploma issued today establishes that the mandatory use of a mask is waived “upon presentation of a medical certificate of multipurpose disability or medical statement, in the case of people with cognitive disabilities, developmental and psychological disorders.” , or “of a medical statement that the clinical condition of the person is not compatible with the use of masks.”

According to the diploma, this obligation does not apply “in relation to people who are part of the same household, when they are not in the proximity of third parties” or “when the use of a mask is incompatible with the nature of the activities in which there are the people to be carried out. “

BE and PAN wanted the distribution of masks to be free, but these proposals were not successful on Friday, the day in which the general plenary vote was held, in the specialty and global final, for reasons of urgency.

These parties managed, however, to include in the project an article for “awareness campaigns, on social networks and among the population, to be carried out on the importance of wearing a mask in public spaces and roads.”

BE also saw an amendment passed so that, in terms of inspection, the role of municipal security forces and the police is “primarily a function of awareness and education on the importance of wearing a mask in public spaces and on roads when it is not possible to maintain social distance. “

Portugal represents at least 2,343 deaths associated with covid-19 in 121,133 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the General Directorate of Health (DGS).
