Merkel warns Germany that the coming months will be very difficult – Coronavirus


German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned Germany that the coming months are going to be “very difficult” as the number of COVID-19 infections continues to grow daily, with 8,685 registered in the last 24 hours.

“We are going to have very, very difficult months ahead,” Merkel warned Sunday afternoon at an internal conference with the heads of the conservative parliamentary group in the federal states, according to today’s Bild daily.

The chancellor also admitted to being concerned about the 30th meeting between regional authorities and said that she does not “have a very good feeling.”

“This cannot continue like this,” he considered, referring that infections should continue to increase strongly and that, at least until February, it will be necessary to give up large events, even in outdoor spaces.

The chancellor also considered that much of the responsibility for the increase in infections was “on vacation trips.”

The newspaper notes that Merkel did not refer at any time to a second strike in public life, but made clear her conviction that the virus cannot be controlled “by simple means.

On Saturday, Merkel again appealed to the population to reduce contacts, given its impact on the increase in coronavirus infections, and repeated the message transmitted in a video released last week, because each of the words spoken in the podcast “it continues to have the same validity,” he defended.

“My fundamental conviction has not changed, I think it has only become more urgent: we are not powerless against the virus, our behavior decides how and how quickly it spreads. And what we all have to do now is reduce contacts. Get together with a lot less people, “he said.

Also the German Health Minister, Jens Spahn, on Sunday asked the population to collaborate to contain the pandemic, in a video message recorded at his home, where he is in quarantine, after taking a test that he indicated, on Wednesday. fair, be infected with the coronavirus.

“Please keep helping, don’t listen to anyone who trivializes [a situação]. This is serious. We know what this virus can cause, precisely in people with previous illnesses and in the elderly ”, he defended.

Germany recorded 8,685 new infections in the past 24 hours, after 11,176 cases counted on Sunday and a new high of 14,714 on Saturday, which is attributed to the fact that not all federal states report their data on weekends.

The number of new infections released today is double the 4,325 new cases reported on Monday of last week.

According to data updated at midnight by the Robert Koch Institute, the entity responsible in Germany for disease control and prevention, the total number of infected since the announcement of the first infection in the country, at the end of January, is 437,866, of which 10,056 dead, representing 24 more deaths in one day.

Approximately 326,100 people have overcome the disease.

The incidence of COVID-19 infections in the country is currently 80.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 1.1 million deaths and almost 42.7 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

After Europe succeeded China as the center of the pandemic in February, the Americas are now the one with the most confirmed cases and the most deaths.
