Marques Mendes. “The mandatory curfew is inevitable. The SNS runs the risk of breaking in 2 to 3 weeks ”- Observer


Luís Marques Mendes says that “more day, less day, will be decreed. Even to establish the curfew that will be inevitable “said the commentator in his usual comment space on the SIC’s Jornal da Noite. Mendes even says that the National Health Service “is at risk of breaking down within 2-3 weeks.”

In order for the fight against the pandemic crisis to be more effective, it will be necessary to “recreate an environment of political consensus, technical consensus and social cohesion in the fight against the pandemic. This environment existed in the first wave. But it ceased to exist. There is too much division, conflict and division. The country does not need national unity. But a minimum of consensus and social cohesion is needed to face this difficult moment ”, he says.

Given that the commentator considers that Minister Marta Temido and the Directorate General of Health (DGS) have lost credibility, Prime Minister António Costa or President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa “Speak to the country without half words” to explain the situation we live in, the challenges we have, the action plan that exists, the responsibilities of each one ”. “The situation is very serious”, concludes.

Marques Mendes even proposes that the country’s risk maps be made public and that differentiated zones be established for the country. Examples:

  • The “Green Zone” would be made up of localities that had fewer than 60 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. So “they don’t need special measures”;
  • The “Yellow Zone” would have towns that have “between 60 and 120 new cases” for every 100,000 inhabitants and that may need precautionary measures “;
  • And the “Red Zone” would have locations that, in the same period, had “more than 120 cases and that may need specific confinements.”

Contrary to what Minister Marta Temido has said, “doing this is not discriminating or stigmatizing the populations. On the contrary. Tells the truth. You are making the correct diagnosis because without it there is no adequate therapy. It means having objective, public and transparent indicators, because without clear indicators there is no effective fight ”, said Marques Mendes.

For the commentator, the best way to “preserve the economy is to take serious care of the pandemic. Otherwise, we end up in a new general confinement, ”he says.

Marques Mendes began his comment with the observation that, given the exponential increase in the number of new infected cases in recent weeks, “the situation of the pandemic” is becoming very worrying “for three reasons:

  • “The number of newly infected people is practically out of control, especially in the Northern Region”;
  • “The number of hospitalized patients surpassed, for the first time, this week the worst week of the first wave”;
  • “The number of deaths is growing at a rapid rate.”

The commentator says that he spoke during the week with “doctors and specialists” and concluded that “the Covid 19 situation is out of control within the community.” In other words, public health teams can no longer carry out screening ”and the“ most critical situation in the North is in danger of spreading to the rest of the country ”.

On the other hand, “the situation in some hospitals is chaotic. On this floor, the National Health Service (SNS) runs the imminent risk of rupture ”. Marques Mendes even says that the SNS is at “risk of breaking in 2/3 weeks”. It is the moment of greatest pressure that the SNS has had. And we are still at the beginning of the second wave, ”he says.

The former Minister of Parliamentary Affairs believes that “we are on the verge that, to avoid collapse, non-Covid patients are left aside. A disaster. In the first wave, it was still understood. Now it is indescribable. If nothing is done to flatten this second wave, we still run the risk of ending up, day after day, in what we all want to avoid: a new general lockdown. It would be a catastrophe. “

Luís Marques Mendes harshly criticized the performance of the Formula 1 race that took place this weekend in Portimão, in the Algarve, calling it a “Madness” is a “irresponsibility”. “You don’t have to be a scientist or an epidemiologist to realize that, in the current state of the art, having almost 30,000 people in this career is insane. An irresponsibility of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) and the Government, ”he said.

Marques Mendes believes that the movement of “people from the north, a highly contagious region” to the Algarve can “It compounds the risk of the virus spreading further through the community.” More: “What is the logic of prohibiting circulation between municipalities on the weekend of the Day of the Dead and good, and authorizing all this circulation this weekend? They are bad examples of those who “kill” institutions, “he emphasized.

In a very harsh intervention towards the Executive of António Costa, the commentator also analyzed the confinements in three regions of the north of the country (Paços de Ferreira, Lousada and Felgueiras) as “measures in the right direction” but “late and insufficient“. In other words, they are measures that should have been taken “three weeks ago” and should have been extended to “a few dozen municipalities in an equally critical situation,” as a report from the weekly Expresso on Saturday indicates. “We are always pushing problems instead of facing them,” he concluded.

COVID-19. There are at least 72 “very high risk” counties of infection

Regarding the State Budget (SO) that will be voted on this week in the Assembly of the Republic, Marques Mendes spoke of “more staging and theater” because “the executing agency is guaranteed three weeks.”

Qualifying the PCP’s abstention as “without surprise”, Marques Mendes says that he was surprised by the “immaturity and political incoherence of the Left Bloc. He became convinced that he was negotiating alone and devalued the PCP. A mistake ”, he concluded.
