Bloc confirms that it votes against the State Budgets in general


The Left Bloc will vote against the State Budget in the first vote, which takes place this Wednesday. As Expresso had advanced, Catarina Martins’ party considers that the Government’s proposal is insufficient and that the negotiations with BE have not borne fruit, so the Budget “fails the country.”

From the Block headquarters in Lisbon, Catarina Martins focused on these failures in the Health area, which are particularly relevant in the context of a pandemic. It was one of the four priority areas for the party, but with the Government “not complying” with the agreement to strengthen the SNS that already came from the previous budget, the current negotiations have not come to fruition either: “It was not possible to agree on a plan to safeguard the SNS. When everything is asked of the SNS, this Budget could not protect it. ”

It was the main argument used for the vote against, but not the only one: at the time when we are experiencing “the greatest crisis of our lives”, and which will tend to “worsen in the coming months”, the Bloc stressed once again. which considers that the new social benefit will not guarantee that “the victims of the crisis” are out of the risk of poverty.

It was also important for the party to ensure that all troika-era labor standards were reversed – “designed to facilitate layoffs, lower wages and increase precariousness” – and that the money injected into the Novo Banco stopped passing through. by the Resolution Fund. , since it is a mechanism that enters the scope of the State. There being none of these red lines – a term that the party avoids – being satisfied in the negotiations, and even without wanting to enter a “blame game”, the agreement failed.

It is not a definitive advance, as the entire specialty period is still missing and then the final global vote, on November 26. But in a recent interview with the “Observer” Catarina Martins recalled that it is not usual to change the vote between the two phases.

At this stage, the Budget has already been approved, with the notorious abstentions of the PCP and PAN and the vote in favor of the PS, to which will be added, according to the “Observer”, the abstention or favorable vote of the non-registered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira – the missing tiebreaker. Even so, approval is not guaranteed in the end, since the communists have already put pressure on the government and warn that they now make the “one and only” document possible in order to reach the discussion in the specialty.

BE’s announcement is particularly significant because it is a kind of (even more) definitive burial of the contraption: since 2015, when BE and PS sat at the table to sign the agreement that would lead to the contraption, the Block never failed on any Budget . The previous one, which is currently in force, made possible, with an abstention and also the Supplementary one, in May, an emergency budget that Catarina Martins used as an example to ensure that BE, despite this advantage, “Portugal did not fail or not fail to”. .
