Covid-19: Italy closes gyms, theaters, cinemas and bars. Restaurants start closing at 6pm | Coronavirus


The Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, signed a new decree on Sunday that would impose the closure of swimming pools, gyms, theaters and cinemas as of Monday, in an attempt to contain the infections caused by the coronavirus that shot up in the country. The measure also determines the closure at 6pm of bars and restaurants.

After hours of negotiation with the Italian regions that wanted assistance for the owners of bars and restaurants, this new decree was signed in force between Monday and November 24.

The tightening of the measures comes after the exponential increase in cases of covid-19, with the country registering another 19,644 cases and 151 deaths on Saturday.

The country has 12,415 nationwide, 817 more than on Friday. As for intensive care, data from the Italian health authorities show that there are 1,128 people in these units, 79 more than on Friday.

The new decree recalls the mandatory use of masks at all times and recommends avoiding visits.

Although the national curfew has been avoided, which already exists in regions such as Lazio, whose capital is Rome, Campania, Sicily, Calabria and Lombardy, the regions have the power to close the areas where crowds start from 9:00 p.m.

Restaurants, bars, pubs, ice cream parlors and confectioneries can only be open from 5 am to 6 pm, but they can be open on Sundays and holidays. Only four people are allowed per table, as long as they are not from the same family.

Gyms, swimming pools and spasAs well as cultural centers, social centers, recreational centers, bingo halls, casinos and amusement parks must also be closed, while parks and game areas will remain open.

Theaters, cinemas and concert halls are also closed, as well as the open air ones, and any form of organization of events and face-to-face conferences is prohibited.

The opening of the ski resorts will not be allowed, especially after the images of this Saturday with long lines in the cable cars.

The Government did not enact a travel ban between regions, but “recommends that all people do not travel, by public or private transport, to a municipality other than their residence, except for proven needs to work or study and for health reasons. “.

It also introduces new measures to apply distance education to at least 75% of secondary school students.
