COVID-19. The Spanish government will declare a state of emergency this Sunday – Observer


The Spanish government is expected to activate a state of emergency shortly after the increase in new cases in the country. According to the Spanish press, the decision has already been made, leaving only the formalization. The announcement is scheduled to be made this Sunday, at the end of the extraordinary council of ministers convened by Pedro Sánchez. El Mundo said that a state of emergency has not yet been decreed because the prime minister is in Rome, where he will be received by Pope Francis from Friday.

This decision comes after, on Friday, several autonomous communities had asked the Spanish Executive to declare itself with the third most serious state in the country. In addition to the city of Melilla, the Basque Country, Asturias, Extremadura, La Rioja, Catalonia, Navarra, the Valencian Community and Castilla La Mancha also made the appeal. With the declaration of a state of emergency, these and other communities will be able to impose the restrictive measures they deem necessary without having to be approved in court.

The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, also seems to be in favor of the measure, especially so that a curfew can be imposed throughout the country, similar to what other European states have been doing, such as France, Italy and Belgium. He says. The country. Illa had been in favor of waiting a few more days for a unanimous consensus of all the autonomous communities to be reached and guaranteeing the parliamentary support of the PP, which has already shown itself against the measure, of the extensions, but the pressure exerted by the communities it ended up dictating the opposite.

COVID-19. Spain and the political dilemma of the state of alarm

Although it is almost certain that this Sunday a state of emergency will be declared, this was a scenario that the Spanish government wanted to avoid, taking into account the “consequences it has for social life and the economic impact.” That is exactly what Sánchez implied in a communication made to the country this Friday. At that time, the Prime Minister stated that “the government of Spain has no interest in imposing more limitations than are essential to prevent the spread. virus ”and who wants to avoid further confinement.

Stressing that the measures adopted in the future must cause “the least possible damage to the economy and the least possible restriction of freedoms,” Sánchez asked for everyone’s collaboration: it is necessary to act “with determination, with maximum social discipline and with the necessary and indispensable unity ”, appealed the leader of the Spanish government, showing optimism that Spain will overcome the new coronavirus pandemic.
