Leopoldo López left the Spanish Embassy and went to Colombia


“MEthe embassy left him [de Espanha] a few days ago and he’s already on the other side [da fronteira]”explained one of the sources, who requested anonymity.

Another diplomatic source told Lusa that “in the next few days there will be news” regarding the departure of the opposition politician and that, meanwhile, the “Service Bolivarian of National Intelligence [Sebin, serviços de informação] he reinforced the presence he maintained “at the Spanish Embassy in Caracas.

According to the Venezuelan press, Leopoldo Lopez He will soon travel to Spain, where he will meet his father, Leopoldo Lopez Gil, who since May 2019 is a member of the European Parliament for the Spanish People’s Party.

Politician and economist, Leopoldo Eduardo Lopez Mendoza, 49, is the coordinator of the Venezuelan opposition party Vontade Popular and has been a refugee in the Spanish Embassy in Caracas since 30. April 2019, after participating in a failed coup attempt against the President’s government Nicholas Mature.

That day, before taking refuge in the Embassy, ​​Leopoldo Lopez fled his home, where he remained under house arrest, and appeared publicly in Altamira (East of Caracas) with opposition leader Juan Guaidó and several military personnel, unsuccessfully appealing to the population to take to the streets to overthrow the Venezuelan government.

me 18 of February from 2014, Leopoldo Lopez, surrendered to the Venezuelan authorities, after a Caracas court ordered his arrest for instigating violence, for being one of the people who called a demonstration that ended with three dead and dozens of injuries six days earlier.

Lopez went to a military prison, accused of public instigation, criminal association, material damage and fire, and ended up sentenced in September from 2015 to almost 14 years in prison, which he served at home.

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