North Korea warns of “yellow dust” from China laden with viruses and toxic material


State-controlled North Korean television warned of a cloud of “yellow dust” on Wednesday “toxic material, virus and pathogenic microorganisms” from China.

The country fears that this cloud could bring a burden of coronavirus and that is why it asked the population to stay home.

According to the BBC, Turkmenistan also called for “virus laden dust” for citizens to wear a mask. Some embassies also issued alerts, one of which was the Russian embassy, ​​writing on the Facebook page that the The North Korean Foreign Ministry had warned several embassies and international organizations in the country about the sandstorm. All foreigners were advised to stay home and close their windows tightly on Thursday.

Yellow dust refers to sand from the deserts of Mongolia and China that reaches North and South Korea seasonally. It is mixed with toxic material that “for years has posed health problems in both countries,” he says. BBC.

North Korea claims to be free of the coronavirus, but has maintained a high alert since January. Borders remain closed and movement is limited.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States states that the new coronavirus can remain in the air “for hours” but it is unlikely that someone will be infected through these particles in the air since the mode of contagion is through physical contact and droplets.
