He tightened his grip on the north. What You Cannot Do in Confined Counties


THE The Government decided this Thursday to toughen the ‘siege’ in three northern regions where the infections by the new coronavirus they have been particularly high. Marta Temido said, in the press conference after the Council of Ministers, that there are municipalities with “A situation epidemic complex “, this being one of the reasons to explain why the country passed the barrier of three thousand positive cases of the disease, that record is even expected to continue to rise.

Thus, the Government approved a set of regulations for three municipalities: Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira.

  • Any events with more than five people, except if they belong to the same household;
  • These three municipalities come into force today duty to stay home;
  • the establishments must close at 10 pm. It applies to all retail and service establishments, as well as those in shopping complexes;
  • Pharmacies and non-prescription drug outlets, medical offices and clinics, emergency veterinary medical centers and Activities funeral and related;
  • Rent-a-car and rent-a-cargo can, as long as the respective opening hours permitting, closes at 1 am and reopens at 6 am -, areas service stations and gas stations are also outside this hourly measure;
  • THE telecommuting It is defined as mandatory for all functions that allow it, regardless of the employment relationship;
  • Citizens must avoid “circulating in public spaces and roads, as well as in private spaces and roads equivalent to public ones”, except trips to purchase goods and services and to carry out Activities professionals;
  • Citizens of these three municipalities may also travel for health reasons, to assist vulnerable people, to attend educational establishments, to travel to establishments / services that do not close, for moments in the open air, outings to events and access to cultural facilities. . , practice of exercise physical and pet walks;
  • Vehicles can circulate on public roads to perform “authorized tasks or refueling at gas stations”;
  • The celebration of fairs and raised markets is also prohibited in these three municipalities;
  • Visits to nursing homes, comprehensive care units of the National Integrated Care Network and other responses dedicated to the elderly were suspended, as well as Activities kindergarten.

For the entire continental territory, the Government determined a prohibition of circulation between municipalities as of 30 October until 3 of November, on the occasion of All Saints’ Day, an “important date for many Portuguese”. Who needs to travel, needs a statement, being the exceptions the same as those applied at Easter.

To ‘mitigate’ this restriction, on the 2nd of November It will be the National Day of Mourning in honor of all the deceased, in particular the victims of COVID-19-19.

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