Confined counties. The government adopts state of emergency measures


The government today determined the prohibition of circulation between municipalities in the extended weekend that will take the All-Saints holiday (November 1), marked by the Catholic tradition of people who travel to cemeteries to honor their dead.

The decision was taken in the Council of Ministers and will be in force in the continental territory between 00.00 hours on October 30 (Friday) and 23.59 hours on November 3 (following Tuesday).

“Each citizen cannot move between municipalities, as happened in the past,” revealed the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva. The minister also affirmed that the “security measures” of the cemeteries are the responsibility of local authorities, so it is not up to the government to decree their closure or not.

This measure was taken, for example, at Easter – and at that time the state of exception was in force – a more serious state of exception than the current one, a catastrophic situation.

At Easter, circulation between municipalities would only be allowed “for health reasons or other reasons of imperative urgency.”

The restriction did not apply to health professionals and other workers of health and social support institutions, civil protection agents, security forces and services, military and civil personnel of the Armed Forces, inspectors of the Food Safety Authority and Economic, political office holders, magistrates and leaders of the social partners, “provided that in the exercise of their functions, as well as in the performance of admitted professional activities.”
