Referendum on euthanasia goes to debate with disapproval in sight


The proposal, based on the popular initiative, will be discussed this Thursday in plenary session and voted on tomorrow. The majority of the deputies are expected to vote against the popular consultation.

A major change in the PS bench will be needed for the euthanasia referendum proposal to pass. The proposal, which was born from a popular initiative with 95,000 signatures, will be discussed today in plenary session and voted on Friday. But the majority of the deputies will have to vote against. PCP, PEV, PAN, BE oppose a referendum, which guarantees “No” 35 votes, against the five “Yes” of the deputies of the CDS-PP.

Therefore, 81 more votes are needed for the referendum proposal, launched by the Federation for Life, to be rejected compared to the 111 necessary for its approval. The decisive votes will be cast in the seats of the PSD and the PS, where there is freedom to vote, as in the CDS-PP, although the parliamentary leader, Telmo Correia, continues to say that the five center deputies are in favor of a referendum.

Given that the PS was the author of one of the five bills (such as BE, PAN, ENP and Liberal Initiative), approved on February 20 that aim to regulate euthanasia, the number of socialist imbalances is not expected to be enough to pass the popular consultation. Then, it must also be said that, from the social democratic bench, deputies appear who coincide with the opposition of the party leader, Rui Rio, to a referendum.

“Personal sphere”

Furthermore, this time, the defenders of euthanasia, who were already in a “vast majority” on February 20, have the vote of the ten PCP deputies. This is because, although the Communists are against the regulation of medically assisted death, they will take the “consistent” position of opposing referenda.

“This setback (that of the referendum) transfers something personal to the collective sphere,” considers the parliamentary leader of the PAN, Inês Sousa Real, convinced that a common text can be found that guarantees that euthanasia will not violate the Constitution. .

On the opposite side, Telmo Correia maintains, based on the situation of the National Health Service: “In February, the referendum, because of the matter, already made sense, now it is indispensable.”

Among the only deputies, João Cotrim Figueiredo (Liberal Initiative) will announce his vote during the debate. Chega leader André Ventura is not participating in the vote, as he is campaigning in the Azores. The unregistered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira has already announced that she is voting against. Cristina Rodrigues also opposes the referendum. “The question is not very objective and biased,” he says.
