Guinea Conakry accuses Guinea-Bissau of having introduced weapons into the country and wants an international investigation


Recent accusations of The Minister of Security and Civil Protection of Guinea-Bissau, Albert Damantang Camara, regarding an alleged introduction of weapons into the country by Guinea-Bissau, could trigger an international investigation.

On October 19, Albert Damantang Camara said that they have credible information indicating that Guinea-Bissau has brought weapons into the country. When asked about the seriousness of the accusations, he assured that he is sure of his allegations, because, according to the minister, there is obvious evidence.

Guinean political analyst and connoisseur of subregional geopolitics, Rui Landim said he has no doubts that Guinea Conakry will take the accusations seriously and one of the signs of this determination is the possibility of an international investigation into the matter.

Landim avoids commenting on whether Guinea-Bissau introduced weapons into the neighboring country or not, but considers that the Guinean authorities made a “very serious mistake” diplomatically, when the President of the Republic publicly assumed the existence of a dispute with a friendly country, just because extra-political motives.

“It was an unforgivable failure. Umaro Sissoco Embaló was never able to assume the position he took when he practically confronted President Condé at one of the ECOWAS summits. It was a bad omen and will undermine relations between the two countries, ”he said.

Regarding the accusations of Albert Camara, Rui Landim preferred to analyze the “seriousness” with which the minister spoke, making clear his determination to take the case to the end. “When he said that they were in possession of information that showed that the weapons used in Samoreya (Kindia) to attack the barracks of the special forces, even killing Commander Mamady Condé, came from Guinea-Bissau, a journalist said that they were serious accusations, He replied that he was aware of the seriousness, but the events he had through the security and information services were proof. So here we are faced with a question of time. The political leaders of Guinea Conakry will soon do something to prove the accusations they have made. And I think this will imply requesting an international investigation into the introduction of weapons and interference in the political affairs of that country, ”said the analyst.

A possible interference by Guinea-Bissau in the internal affairs of Guinea Conakry is possible, according to the same analyst. Rui Landim believes that the current president of Guinea-Bissau “easily fell into a trap set by Macky Sall, president of Senegal, against certain countries, motivated by purely ethnic sentiments.”

“It has to be said clearly. This attempt to praise an ethnic group for its leadership is bad. They were successful in some countries, because people were slow to warn, but they are only organizing a revolt. It is a quartet that must stop installing this disorder in the subregion. Macky Sall, Muhammadu Buhari, Mahamadou Issoufou, and Adama Barrow. They put our self-proclaimed president on the same list and want to do the same in Guinea Conakry with Cellou Dalein Diallo. They did it in Gambia and Guinea-Bissau, but in Guinea Conakry they will not do it because they were warned in time “, defended Rui Landim.

Official silence in Guinea-Bissau

Meanwhile in Guinea-Bissau there is a total silence on the accusations coming from the neighboring country. However, the detention of soldiers and citizens of Guinea-Bissau who were allegedly transporting arms to Guinea Conakry is discussed.

On the day that Guinea’s Security Minister Conakry made the accusations, Umaro Sissoco Embaló made a public appearance but did not mention the matter.

Albert Damantang Camará’s accusations were made two days after Umaro Sissoco Embaló returned from a “private visit” to Senegal, although he mentioned to the press upon his return to Bissau that he had made some progress for the country.

This Wednesday, October 20, the Guinean Head of State made a “solidarity visit” to all the paramilitary units of the country, and promised uniforms and training to the personnel of all military units, in addition to asking them to guarantee the security of citizens as they do with the Head of State himself.

During these visits and despite having spoken to the press, Sissoco Embaló did not mention the elections in Guinea Conakry. This Friday, October 21, Umaro Sisoco received for a few hours in Bissau, the president of the Gambia, Adama Barrow.
