Movement “Somos Coimbra” is beaten by 11 dissidents


The independent movement “We are Coimbra”, led by José Manuel Silva, has just suffered an impact with the departure of 11 of its most prominent members, as NDC learned today.

There are four co-founders: Carlos Faro, Carlos Fiolhais, Fernando Seabra Santos and Gonçalo Quadros, along with Ana Goulão, Bernardo Albuquerque Nogueira, Daniela Gonçalves, Filomena Girão (leader of the ‘SC’ bank in the Municipal Assembly of Coimbra), Isabel Maia, Manuela Direito and Teresa Direito.

The cause close to the dissidence consists of a deliberation of the Political Commission of “We are Coimbra”, taken the day before yesterday, whose content opens the doors to the integration of people from the movement, as independents, in party lists.

According to a statement issued by the mayor and lawyer Filomena Girão, the Political Commission “showed a deep division” (11 elements from each side) in this regard, with the coordinator of ‘SC’, José Manuel Silva (councilor), exercising a vote of quality ”. in favor ”of the option that came to prevail.

The source of the movement told COIMBRA NEWS that José Manuel Silva “appears” to be a “judge in his own case” insofar as there has been speculation about his eventual inclusion, in 2021, in a list sponsored by PSD for the Chamber of Conimbricense. .

The 11 dissidents declared themselves “faithful to the ideals that were at the origin” of ‘Somos Coimbra’, represented by two mayors, since 2017, in the municipality council, continuing “to believe that these ideals are still valid today.”

“The municipality of Coimbra needs an independent and extrapartisan movement,” they say.

For these 11 people, “the essence of the movement is at stake,” declared NDC Filomena Girão, highlighting that ‘SC’ was born as a platform for independent citizens, “outside the party spectrum, with the aim of providing a future of development and modernity to the municipality of Coimbra ”.
