PSD will vote against the government’s proposal. The pressure on the left increases – Jornal Económico


The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will vote against the proposed State Budget for 2021 (OE2021). The vote was announced this Wednesday by the president of the PSD, Rui Rio, after considering that OE2021 “is not realistic” and having pointed out “four weaknesses” in the budget proposal: uncertainty, overvalued income projection, excessive bets. problems of public consumption and transparency.

“It is not our Budget, but for the interest of the country and in the same line of reasoning [do Orçamento Suplementar], we might even abstain. (…) But the Prime Minister said that his project is with the PCP and the Left Bloc and that, when he needed the PSD to approve a Budget, his Government ended (…) The PSD can only vote against ”, said Rui Rio , in the closing speech of the PSD parliamentary conference.

The Social Democratic leader justified the vote against, saying that the government’s proposal “does not fight unemployment, it does not support companies, it distributes what it has and what it does not have with weak logic and little criteria, it does not give signals to the middle class. , it lacks transparency, announces an amending budget for overestimating its income, and does nothing to reform the Public Administration to combat waste and inefficiency ”.

In addition, Rui Rio also mentioned that, if the PSD vote “does not work”, in the opinion of the Government, “not even to avoid a political crisis, then the PSD can only vote against because it is what it has the coherence to do” .

For Rui Rio, the country will enter 2021 “more conditioned than it should” by the “political and economic options that the Government took in recent years”, to “ideologically please the PCP and the Bloco de Esquerda.” “This proposal for State Budgets is not realistic and we will hardly have an amending budget, in case this Budget passes,” said the Social Democratic leader.

Rui Rio stressed that, in OE2021, the priority should be “more jobs” and, if possible, “better jobs”. “The solution is in the companies. It is the companies that promote employment. Public employment is necessary, but the engine of the economy is in the companies, ”he emphasized, reiterating that it does not seem“ appropriate ”to consider increasing wages, when companies are in difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The president of the PSD also said that the government should concentrate on “breaking the cycle of weak economic growth that the country is going through” and strengthening the competitiveness of the economy and the middle class. Among the measures that the PSD would present if it were the Government are the relief of the tax burden on families and companies, the commitment to the capitalization of companies, the reduction of the fiscal bureaucracy, the support for exports and the reduction of structural spending.

With the PSD voting against, the government will now have to reach a left-wing understanding for the budget proposal to be viable in Parliament. They will also vote against the CDS-PP, Chega and the Liberal Initiative.
