Transmission platforms obliged to pay a new fee. Law approved with amendments


New proposal approved this Tuesday by deputies created a new tariff for transmission services

The audiovisual law proposal, which transposes a European directive, was approved this Tuesday in the specialty, at the headquarters of the Culture and Communication Commission, in Parliament. Among the measures approved by the deputies, in a point-by-point vote, there is a new obligation for streaming services, subjecting them “to the payment of an annual fee corresponding to 1% of the amount of relevant income of these operators”, which reverts in the budget of the Institute of Cinema and Audiovisuals (ICA).

The new annual obligation was a proposal by the PS -whose economic impact is yet to be determined-, which appeared this Monday and goes against the initial intention of the Government, which wanted the platforms, instead of paying the subscription fee of 2 euros . required from traditional television services, they could, alternatively, invest in audiovisual production in Portuguese, with total freedom of choice regarding the projects to be carried out.

Yesterday, a proposal presented by Bloco de Esquerda was also approved by all parties, which obliges YouTube to also pay the tax that applies to the advertising it displays.

The diploma under discussion adopts a European directive that aims to regulate the activity of digital TV platforms and has implications for the financing of the Institute of Cinema and Audiovisuals (ICA), causing changes in the Cinema Law and in the national cinematographic activity . The proposal divided the sector: some argue that it is an opportunity to obtain more financing for national production; others fear that the identity of the national cinema will be distorted by commercial logic.
