China finds coronavirus in boxes of frozen cod – News


Chinese officials have not disclosed the source of the shipment.

China for the first time found active samples of coronavirus in packages of frozen cod. According to the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), this discovery raises the hypothesis, albeit remote, of contagion when touching these types of surfaces.

The Chinese authorities have not disclosed the origin of the shipment of frozen cod where the active virus was found, but it is known that the discovery was made after an investigation to determine the origin of an outbreak that last week infected 13 people in the port city. . Chinese city of Qingdao.

According to the CDC, this small outbreak originated in two longshoremen from the port who touched the cargo in question and who were then transferred to the city hospital, still without symptoms. The hospital will not have adequately disinfected the equipment used and the virus will eventually affect other patients and some of the medical staff.

“It is the first time that the new coronavirus appears isolated from the outside of frozen food and it is confirmed that contact with the packaging can cause contagion,” says the CDC in a statement, before recalling that the virus can survive on a surface frozen for a long time. , so it can be transmitted during fairly long trips.

As a precautionary measure, the Chinese authorities ask workers to handle this type of packaging to avoid direct contact with the skin and not to touch the skin before removing work clothes and disinfecting / washing their hands.
