“Doctors for Truth.” The order opens a lawsuit against the movement that denies the severity of Covid-19: Observer


The Order of Physicians (OM), through regional disciplinary councils, will investigate a set of “information, complaints, documentation and complaints related to the doctors who are part of the movement [Médicos Pela Verdade] and with the ideas they propagate, ”reported a source from the presidency. The Observer knows that at least one complaint against said movement and the doctors who founded it is already in the process of being instructed.

Among other statements, The movement denies that there is a Covid-19 pandemic, is against testing and isolation of asymptomatic people, and rejects the use of a mask in general. The ideas they defend have been disseminated through social networks and in opinion articles published in the press, including in the Observer. For this reason, and since the group was founded, at the end of August a model letter began to circulate on Facebook to be sent to the Ordem dos Médicos, warning of the “danger” that the action of the movement for public health represents. “OM, what are you doing with Doctors for Truth? Are you aware of the dangerous misinformation that you have been advertising through all possible information channels? ”These are some of the questions that are raised in the letters that began to reach the Order and that led to the opening of the process.

In response to the Observer, Joaquim Sá Couto, one of the doctors who is part of the movement, says he does not know the process opened by the Order of Physicians, but sees it favorably. “If there is a query, I did not know, but I see this as extremely positive in the sense that there is scrutiny of what people say and do.“Explains the general surgeon, still maintaining a certain distance: he says that he has not” followed so closely “everything that the movement has defended and, therefore, he cannot say whether he supports” all the things they do or say. ”.

Even so, it highlights that, taking into account the “official narrative” that exists about Covid-19, “anyone who has the opposite opinion is subject to certain scrutiny”, so the Order’s investigation is “normal” and positive. Doctors.

The movement was featured in an event posted on social media. “Our goal is to bring together physicians who are dissatisfied with the official discourse, which runs parallel to reality,” said Gabriel Branco, one of the founders of the movement, at the time. The group, which is presented as “a group of doctors from different specialties, of different age groups and without ties to any religious faction”, does not have a virologist, infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist or specialist in Public Health, reference areas for subjects related to the SARS-CoV-2 infection and the Covid-19 pandemic, at least identified on the official website.
