“It’s unthinkable”: António Costa rejects the general confinement by Covid-19 – Society


António Costa in an interview with TVI He left several messages to Bloco de Esquerda and PCP, partners in gadgetry, about the State Budgets for 2021.

“The accounts are very simple. Only the PS has 22 more deputies than the entire right combined. Only if the PCP and the BE add their votes to the right, the budget fails. The limit is when the balance between income and expenditure is becomes unsustainable. Governing in twelfths? I don’t want to contribute to a political crisis in the midst of this pandemic crisis, “said the prime minister.

Costa also eliminates the lead layoff scenario from OE2021. “I do not turn my back on the country. We are focused on the crisis of the pandemic and the economic crisis that created the pandemic and that caused a very large social crisis.”

The prime minister considered “unthinkable to resort to general confinement”, despite the “rising phase” of the pandemic. “No epidemiologist can predict when we will peak.”

Costa also warned of the “immense social cost” of general containment or mandatory withdrawal measures. “We have had the practice of conducting a biweekly assessment of the pandemic. Since mid-August there has been a growing increase in the pandemic and we have moved from alert to calamity. Many of the new infections occur at parties, weddings and christenings. chasing loss because it has taken us by surprise by an unknown virus. There is still immense uncertainty. It is difficult to design measures. Governments have been trying to react. “

Regarding Novo Banco, António Costa guaranteed that “there will be no taxpayer penny to the Resolution Fund.”

The prime minister also ruled out the possibility of entering a state of emergency. “It all depends on several factors. We have more cases than in April, but there are fewer hospitalized patients.”

Costa maintains that the National Health Service (SNS) is not yet under pressure. “We have a 66% UCI occupancy rate for Covid. We have more than 500 ICU beds for Covid and we can still reach 700 without affecting scheduled activity or 900 that already affect scheduled activity. We have to respond to Covid and recover face-to-face activity from the pre-Covid period. “
