Seven new cases of covid-19 more in the Region


Alberto Pita

Today there are 7 new positive cases to report, so RAM now counts 320 confirmed cases of covid-19 in the regional territory.

These are 4 imported cases (2 from the United Kingdom, 1 from Venezuela and 1 from southern Portugal) and 3 cases of local transmission. The 3 cases of local transmission correspond to close contacts to a recently diagnosed imported case, which were tested. Another 8 contacts of this imported case are under study.

As JM anticipated first-hand, one of the positive cases confirmed today was in a school context, in this case the Bartolomeu Perestrelo School.

“The young man in question attended school on October 14 and 15, after having had close contact with a positive case of covid-19. 31 contacts of the young man were identified in the school context, 12 of which were close contacts “, informs the IASAUDE Bulletin.

The same communication adds that “the school management has been alerted and the contacts are being reported and tested today.”

“It is worth mentioning the determination of the health authority for the confinement of all identified contacts, which implies the restriction to classes in one class. The epidemiological investigation is ongoing and the health authority may determine new measures, according to the risk assessment” .

From today’s IASAUDE information, it is also important to remember that “there are 3 new recovered cases to report.”

The region now has 219 recovered cases of covid-19.

There are 101 active cases, of which 92 are imported cases identified in the context of surveillance activities implemented at the Madeira airport and 9 are cases of local transmission.

Regarding the isolation of positive cases, 56 people are isolated in a dedicated hotel unit and 45 in their own accommodation.
