The Spanish surrender to João Almeida: «Do not drown your desire in fear, as the teachers advise» – Giro


‘El País’ highlights that the Portuguese tried to win the stage despite being the leader

João Almeida continues to perform in the Giro. This Friday, the Portuguese cyclist he was runner-up of the 13th stage and he obtained six bonus seconds that allowed him to consolidate the leadership of the general classification. After 10 consecutive days in the pink shirt, João Almeida begins to be seen as a serious candidate for final victory and the international press itself indulges in its performance.

And a good example of this is the analysis that ‘El País’ makes of today’s history. In an article entitled ‘Almeida, a stylish rose’, the Spanish newspaper highlights that João Almeida tried to win the sprint and did not limit himself to protecting himself, as the race leader, on the eve of the time trial.

“João Almeida can turn seconds into minutes against the clock”

“Ulissi wins at half wheel, after a tight sprint, ahead of the unexpected João Almeida, tenth day in pink and committed, it is not known whether to win the Giro or leave his mark with his strong and youthful personality in this his first big comeback”, can read.

“João Almeida does not think about the next day, when he can increase his leadership even more. He thinks about now. Follow his inspiration and do not drown his desire in fear, as the masters of old cycling advise. Instead of breathing slowly, continue At the wheel, prefer to be the protagonist. Try to win the stage and give more color to the race with your energy. Your team pulls hard and the sprinters do not arrive. You don’t win, but you finish second. yours, what the fans say every day with more respect ”, adds ‘El País’, which at the end of the article summarizes the Portuguese performance in a single sentence:“ a question of style ”.

By André Antunes Pereira


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