SIC News | Get ready, here comes the rain and the strong wind


Persistent rain and strong wind will return to mainland Portugal from Monday afternoon due to a depression that will be found in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, meteorologist Ângela Lourenço told Lusa on Friday.

“For Monday, continuous, persistent, sometimes heavy rains and a gradual increase in wind intensity are expected. These are typical fall situations with more severe characteristics., that is to say, strong precipitations and strong winds and probably also accompanied by strong maritime disturbances ”, highlighted the meteorologist from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA).

Ângela Lourenço reinforced: “It is a serious situation in which we must be careful. However, it is a typical autumn situation. In autumn situations of heavy rainfall are beginning to appear.”

According to the meteorologist, this situation due to the passage of front surfaces, frontal waves, associated with a depression that will be in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, which will cross the continent next week.

And the weekend?

Saturday is scheduled rising clouds mainly on the north and central coast and slight precipitation may occur.

Then on Sunday we had a cloudy sky and even a temperature rise. Sunday will look like a summer day. The change in weather will begin on Monday afternoon, ”he said.

Regarding temperatures, Ângela Lourenço says that a slight increase in maximum temperature is expected, mainly on Sunday.

“On Sunday, in some places like Ribatejo, the maximums are close to 30 degrees. At the beginning of the week, temperatures return to values ​​of the order of 20 degrees, between 20 and 22 degrees. In the interior they will oscillate between 15 and 17 degrees and in the south it will be a little higher around 23/24 ”, he said.
