“It’s crazy.” The beheading of a teacher in France leaves the community in shock


Residents and parents of students at Bois d’Aulne University in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, France, called the beheading of a professor on Friday afternoon “crazy”, shocking a typically quiet community. .

“It is horrible”, “it is crazy”, “I am confused” and “we are afraid” were some of the reactions of the neighbors, parents and guardians of the students of this school, after the murder of a history teacher, reports France -Press (AFP).

The suspect beheaded the victim and reportedly shouted “Allah ‘Akbar” when the police shot him. The alleged perpetrator of the attack died.

Although the motivations for this murder are not yet known, the authorities are considering the possibility of a religiously motivated terrorist attack, because of the words that the suspect shouted and because, in the meantime, it was known that the victim had exhibited cartoons of Muhammad during class on freedom of expression.

“Nothing happens here,” said Mohand Amara, a 45-year-old resident, in surprise.

French President Emmanuel Macron has already responded to the attack, calling it a “characteristic Islamic terrorist attack.”

However, Macron said that “obscurantism will not win.”

“One of our compatriots was killed today because he taught … the freedom to believe and not believe,” Macron added, this time quoted by the Associated Press (AP).

According to a source investigating this homicide, the police are also interested in a photograph on the social network Twitter, through a user who, meanwhile, closed the account, of the victim’s decapitated head.

Authorities are trying to understand if this photograph was published by the alleged perpetrator of the murder or by someone else.

AFP reports that the photograph accompanied a message addressed to French President Emmanuel Macron, nicknamed “the leader of the infidels.”

“I executed one of the hellhounds who dared to look down on Muhammad [o profeta Maomé]”would explain this message.

The murder took place around 5 p.m. local time (4 p.m. in mainland Portugal).
