740 codes generated and only 216 inserted! What happens?


The current application is called STAYAWAY COVID and it is a tool to help fight the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Much has been said and criticized the application, but it is essential to understand how it works and what are the reasons for the low adherence with respect to the introduction of the “infected code”.

So far, 740 codes have been generated and only 216 have been entered into the STAYAWAY COVID app. After all, what is happening to prevent people from entering the code?

STAYAWAY COVID: 740 codes generated and only 216 entered!  What happens?

As we have been referring to, in view of the architecture and documentation, the STAYAWAY COVID app is secure, guaranteeing the privacy of users. However, even then, people don't seem to trust. The lack of information about the application can be one of the reasons and also the poor analysis of its functionality and purpose.

But after all, why not enter the infected code in the STAYAWAY COVID app?

Apparently it is for "fear", but as we have already mentioned there is no reason for it. It is just a code, which does not identify anything, and which activates the function of transferring codes to the central servers generated by the STAYAWAY COVID application. That is, when we insert the code, we send the codes that we are broadcasting to the server. Then everyone else can download and compare the codes they observed to assess if there were any risk contacts

However, for the administrator of the Porto institute, Rui Oliveira, responsible for the 'StayAway Covid' application, there is the the need for health institutions and laboratories to “ally” so that the codes generated in the system coincide with the number of infections.

In fact, it is necessary to raise awareness and inform all doctors about the need to generate codes and how to do it. I know that the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS) are starting with several initiatives in this direction

STAYAWAY COVID: 740 codes generated and only 216 entered!  What happens?

Asked about the fact that the number of codes generated and entered in the application is less than the number of infections and the number of 'downloads', the official said that one of the reasons is due to the difficulty of these "reaching time to "infected people." .

A code reaches the infected person after four to five days, that code is valid for 24 hours, so if the person takes more than 24 hours to enter it in the application, it is not valid. On the other hand, if the code takes seven to eight days to reach the person, even if it was generated on the seventh or eighth day, it is useless because the person, however, may have improved.

The mobile application, launched on September 1, allows to track, quickly and anonymously and through the physical proximity between 'smartphones', the networks of contagion by covid-19, informing users that they have been, in the last 14 days, in the same space as someone infected with the new coronavirus.

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