Dinner enough for 300 people disputed by a group of citizens of Porto. Party and hotel guarantee green light DGS


The dinner-concentration, organized by the District of Chega do Porto and which will gather three hundred people at the table this Friday night, generated the protest of a group of local citizens, after the event had already been contested on the networks social. for the Unitary Antifascist Front. The objections to the fact, raised even before the declaration of the state of calamity, have already led the Sheraton do Porto to react on Facebook itself: “[O hotel] It is an inclusive and non-discriminatory space (neither negative nor positive) and we do not accept that our space and our page are the scene of offensive behavior and contrary to these values, ”wrote those responsible for that unit.

The director of the hotel, Joana Almeida, clarifies that the act of the party was already programmed before the disaster came into force and that all the sanitary regulations of the DGS will be “complied with.”

The leader of the Chega District Political Committee also guarantees that the dinner, which will have the participation of André Ventura, “was duly authorized by the DGS”, recalling that “the events of the political parties are not restricted to 50 people, as happens with weddings and other family parties ”.

A group of citizens of Porto, representing Public Health, reported the dinner, by email, on Thursday, to the DGS, Ministry of Health, ARS-North, Health Regulatory Entity, parliamentary groups and the media, warning for “The exponential increase in the number of infected, especially in the north and in Porto, forces everyone, individually and collectively, to increase social responsibility.”

In the email addressed to the hotel manager, the group of citizens states that “the unit of excellence and renown will not want to be associated with a foreseeable outbreak emerging from the event”, and if the alert is not canceled “it will use legal means to take responsibility for the hotel, if this happens ”. Expresso tried to contact Paulo Magalhães, signatory of the aforementioned email, who replied that the objective of the group of citizens is being fulfilled at this time: “to alert as representatives of civil society to a situation that we consider to be of the greatest gravity, leaving the authorities measures and journalism responsible for its dissemination for the sake of Public Health ”.

In response to the group of citizens, the general manager of the hotel explains that he complies with the directives and legislation issued by the Government, as well as the DGS guidelines, but that it is not his responsibility “at all, as hotel managers, discriminate religious, political or other orientations ”by clients.

José Lourenço stresses that he does not understand the controversy, since Chega does not violate any legal precept. “After the Government authorized the ‘Avante!’ Party, I do not understand the reason for this questioning about a normal and infinitely more restricted political dinner,” argues José Lourenço. Without a defined agenda, the district leader adds, however, that EO 2021 and the possible mandatory installation of the StayAway Covid app will be two unavoidable topics in his intervention, warning that the application “is an incredible and excessive imposition.”

In relation to André Ventura’s intervention, Lourenço says that he does not know its content, but in the case of two of the issues of the moment, they should be addressed. It is recalled that the leader and sole deputy of Chega considered that the Government’s decision to allow “Avante!” It was “erratic and reprehensible.”
