If the law is passed, the police can sentence anyone who refuses to show a cell phone to prison.


If approved by Parliament, the law that obliges a sector of the population (citizens in work or similar contexts, school and academic) to have the StayAway Covd application installed on their mobile phones will have to define very well the competences that the company will have. police to supervise. accordance.

Become mandatory the police will be able to record and ultimately voice arrest if someone refuses to show their cell phone.

PSP and GNR junctions say they sense the government’s concern about finding ways to control the pandemic at a time when cases of the disease in the country are skyrocketing, but Point out that this was “not a good idea” as it will not help solve one problem, but create new ones.

To the DN, the National Directorate of PSP says that, for now, it will not take a position in relation to the bill that puts them [aos agentes policiais] in the hands of part of the inspection, at least until it is understood what the diploma will say and what effective powers it will confer on the Public Security Police.

On Wednesday, the Government presented a bill to Parliament that requires wearing a mask on the street and “use of StayAway Covid in the workplace or similar, school and academic”, under penalty of a fine of up to 500 euros.

The supervision of the law, according to the text of the proposal, “is in charge of the Republican National Guard, the Public Security Police, the Maritime Police and the Municipal Police.”
