The father of a suspended student says his son shared a snack because his friend was hungry. The school has another version – Society


The story of sharing a snack that led to the suspension of four students from the Escultor Francisco dos Santos Basic School (former EB 2.3 of Fitares), in Rio de Mouro, Sintra, has shaken social networks in recent days. But if initially it was said that it was a solidarity sharing with a student who was hungry, the story seems, after all, more complex.

Is that what CM found out, the four students were suspended because they were biting the same piece of food. One of the school rules to prevent the spread of Covid-19 prevents sharing snacks, in the case of sandwiches and juices. To what CM Found, the students will have a history of this type of behavior and after several warnings, the principal decided to suspend them for one day.

“Faced with a disciplinary offense, we apply the law, which in this case is the Student Statute,” he explained to the CM Filinto Lima, president of the National Association of Directors of Public Groups and Schools (Andaep), who also said that “the colleague had the right attitude to the facts.”

According to ObserverIn the letter sent by the director of the group to the head of education, Cristina Frazão recalled that the student is a repeat student and since he does not know anyone in the new class, he always ends up going to his old classmates during recess. Despite being warned several times not to do so and that she could not be eating without a mask near a group of students, Cristina Frazão says that “she has not changed her attitude.”

“What I saw, after having this group of students already referred by teachers and staff, was a quartet of boys, from different classes, together, without masks and biting their food. This is not a generosity of your son paying you a snack. to his colleague, who surprisingly would not have eaten anything at 4:30 pm, but who were eating the same food, “the document reads.

In the same letter, Cristina Frazão recalls: “Compliance with simple rules of hygiene and detachment is what we ask of your son’s generation. Today you passed an irresponsible and disrespectful attitude throughout the school, through a more sincere heroic act. congratulations. The rules are clear. The document released at the beginning of the year mentions the sanctions for non-compliance “.

In a Facebook post, Luis Santos Milagaia, father of the 12-year-old student who was suspended, criticized the teacher’s action, saying that his son only shared the sandwich because his colleague was hungry: “A 12-year-old student was severely punished for share his sandwich with his colleague who had confided that he hadn’t eaten yet and was hungry. What kind of teacher is this, who did not see the human side of this child by giving him a day of suspension? “, wrote.

In the letter to the tutor, the director of the group says that she hopes that her explanations will be enough for the student’s father to “remove his publication full of falsehoods and that it has led to so many people filling Facebook without knowing the facts” . I hate “and added:” You don’t like my job? Every 4 years there are elections for director“.

In statements to SIC, the student’s father repeated the version he had already shared on his Facebook: “I was outraged by the punishment he took because a day of suspension for a student who shared a snack is too severe.” “He tells me, and I think, that he shared a lot of bread because his colleague told him that he had toast in his stomach since the morning.”

Asked about the fact that this student – and other classmates who were also suspended – had already been referred by teachers and staff for disobedience, Luis Santos Milagaia said that he did not know about this situation: “As far as I know, it was the first time, because I never had messages. in the student’s notebook about how he broke rules or shared snacks. I asked my son if that was true and he said it was the first time they had caught his attention. “

The Public Ministry is already monitoring the case.
