App downloads increased more than 140%


In addition to COVID-19, the topic of the moment is the possible mandatory installation of the STAYAWAY COVID application. The António Costa government wants some groups in society to be forced to install the application and the country rebels! The fines for those who do not do so are also high. Certainly such a revolt is only because it may become “mandatory” to install the application, especially since he realizes that many Portuguese still do not understand how it works internally (the disclosure / presentation of the application has clearly failed).

After António Costa’s announcement, the number of downloads skyrocketed!

STAYAWAY COVID: App downloads increased more than 140%

After all, why don't the Portuguese want to install the app? Certainly most, because they can be "forced" ... something that nobody likes! As we have already mentioned several times, in view of all the documentation and architecture of the application, you cannot compromise privacy! Everything is anonymous, everything is confidential, unlike many applications that we have installed on our smartphones.

Then comes equipment compatibility. It is true that at this level the application could guarantee better support, but this is not exactly a problem with the application, but with the mobile platforms used in smartphones. The problem, in particular, is in the exposure notification component which is only available on Android 6 or higher and iOS 13.5 and higher. This means that there are still a good number of smartphones that are compatible with the application.

STAYAWAY COVID: App downloads increased more than 140%

The number of downloads of the STAYAWAY COVID application is skyrocketing ...

According to the Institute of Systems Engineering and Informatics, Technology and Science (INESC TEC), between Wednesday and Thursday the application was downloaded by 177,470 smartphones (Android and iOS). The accounts made is a growth of the order of 140%. This growth in the number of downloads is undoubtedly due to the popularity of the theme after the announcement of the Prime Minister. Did António Costa get what he wanted?

The STAYAWAY COVID app, whose installation is voluntary (for now), allows to identify, quickly and anonymously and through physical proximity, the networks of contagion by COVID-19. Then, inform users that they have been in the same space 14 in the same space as someone infected with the new coronavirus.

Remember it…

  • The STAYAWAY COVID app is safe
  • GPS information is not used
  • The application is a voluntary installation.
  • No contacts are identified, that is, the data transmitted by the application is completely anonymous
  • There is no record of the app having a negative influence on battery life.
  • The infected person can decide whether or not to alert other users.
  • No registration required

To download…
