NOW YOU MUST PAIN: GNR, PSP and ASAE strengthen the application of the control rules for the covid-19 pandemic


GNR, PSP and ASAE are going to reinforce the application of the norms to control the covid-19 pandemic on public roads and in commercial and catering establishments, the Prime Minister announced today.

The Government decided “to order the security forces and ASAE to reinforce compliance with the rules, both on public roads and in commercial establishments and restaurants,” said António Costa.

The reinforcement of the inspection, that is, the social gatherings (now limited to five people) and the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the street, by the security forces and ASAE, is one of the eight measures to control the covid-19 pandemic. 19 decided today in the Council of Ministers. .

At a press conference, the head of Government assured that the fines for commercial and catering establishments “that do not ensure scrupulous compliance with current regulations regarding capacity and distance that must be ensured” will be increased to 10,000 euros. locations.

Asked about a possible increase in fines to other restrictive measures, António Costa replied that “the aggravation of administrative offenses is only for legal persons, but there is a determination by PSP, GNR and ASAE to intensify inspection actions.”

“Pedagogy and supervision are absolutely essential because there were times when the rules were complied with with great responsibility, particularly in restaurants, but over time these rules have been greatly diminished in their effective compliance and it is necessary to recover the memory that it really is strictly necessary to comply with these rules, ”he said.

The Prime Minister also said that commercial establishments were the most affected by the measures imposed during the state of emergency, with the aim that “they do not close their doors again” and that they continue with their normal activity, but for that to happen ” it is essential that the rules are respected ”.

The Prime Minister was also questioned about the contagion case of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, and the norms that were imposed on the members of the Government, and the differences in relation to the measures taken in the Portuguese selection of football.

António Costa affirmed that “the circumstances are different in each case” and that the Government followed the instructions of the health authorities, highlighting that there was greater care in the case of the Minister of the Environment and the Secretary of State for Higher Education, who had had conversations. or “extended” meetings with Manuel Heitor.

The Council of Ministers also approved today a decree-law that modifies the exceptional and temporary measures related to the pandemic of the covid-19 disease in relation to the extension until March 31, 2021 of compliance with expired documents (citizen ID, certificates and certificates issued by the civil registration and identification services, driver’s license, documents and visas related to the stay in national territory, as well as licenses and authorizations).

The statement from the Council of Ministers also indicates that the decree-law modifies the measures related to the exemption of prior license by the IMT for patient transport vehicles, which can only circulate with the vehicle inspection certificate, and alteration of the counter-ordinance regime, in the sphere of the situation of calamity, contingency and alert, clarifying the duties and increasing some fines.

Portugal today has 2,072 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, the highest daily value since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

The highest values ​​since the start of the pandemic had been reached on April 10, with the notification of 1,516 new infections, a figure that was exceeded on October 10, when 1,646 cases were reached.
