Covid: New cases in schools in the city of Castelo Branco


Jose Furtado – 10/14/2020 – 18:22

Cases were confirmed in schools belonging to the Nuno Álvares and Amato Lusitano groups. Parents do not understand the criteria of health authority. The decision to close the Farm and hold a class in João Roiz involved regional and national authorities.

The Nuno Álvares School Group confirmed this Wednesday the existence of three more cases of Covid-19 infection.

According to the message transmitted to the school community, to which the Reconquest had access, these are two students from the Cidade de Castelo Branco Basic School belonging to the same household and a student from the Nuno Álvares Secondary School, where it had also been confirmed. a case of contagion at the end of September, the first registered in a school in the municipality.

According to the Nuno Álvares School Group “it was decided, by the Local Health Authority / Local Public Health Unit, to maintain classroom activities for all the children and students of the Group, keeping the students in isolation who tested positive.”

The group asks those involved “to remain as calm as possible, but also very attentive to the appearance of symptoms compatible with Covid-19, as it should always happen.”

Also this Wednesday Reconquista confirmed the existence of a case of contagion this time in the Amato Lusitano School Group, which dates back to last weekend, when cases were also confirmed in another school in the group.

This is a 4th year student from the João Roiz School who is at home and has a family relationship with a student from the Basic Farm School, which closed this Wednesday for 14 days after eight were confirmed. cases of contagion among students in one of the classes.

Several parents who telephoned Reconquista throughout the day expressed their displeasure at continuing classes for the class where a case of infection was confirmed, asking the authorities to expand the scope of the tests.

Nor do they understand the criteria that led the health authorities to send a class from Granja’s house, keeping João Roiz’s school at the school.

João Belém, director of the Amato Lusitano School Group, confirmed to Reconquista that all the students in this fourth year class were evaluated and all were negative, except for the only confirmed case that motivated the implementation of the contingency plan.

Classes started again on Monday after the room was cleaned over the weekend and the group advised the use of a mask, although it was not required.

As mentioned above when the Granja school was closed, the director of the group emphasizes that the decision to keep classes in the school, who should take the test or whether the schools should close or remain open is the sole responsibility of the health authority.

Contacted by Reconquista, the Regional Health Administration of the Center (ARSC) clarifies that the decision to close the Granja school this Wednesday, without new cases in addition to the nine confirmed at the weekend, is due to the fact that the investigation having considered risk ” to all the professionals of the school who, thus, carried out the respective tests and prophylactic isolation of 14 days, which determined the closure of the school ”.

The decision was beyond the reach of the local authorities, since it was made “after consultation with the regional health delegate and the DGS (General Health Directorate).”

In the case of João Roiz, ARSC says that “all the students were evaluated and gave negative” and that the classes were held after the local health delegate considered that “the safety conditions were met, such as adequate spacing between students, I use a permanent mask and hand disinfection ”.

The same source says that the student who tested positive “was immediately at home, so the risk of contagion was minimal.”

The Local Health Unit of Castelo Branco registered another eight cases of contagion this Wednesday, all in the municipality of Castelo Branco.

News updated in 19S08 with ARSC response

